Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 68 68 Arya Stark

Chapter 68 68. Arya Stark

When he saw the sorceress again, she was lying on the bloody sand, shaking her head trying to stay awake.

With her legs removed, Margarita now looked like an alcoholic lying on the floor after drinking too much.

It seems that the forced spell just now did cause great pressure on her nerves.

"Is this the dean of Arethusa?"

Phillip walked over with Lan En on his arm, looking a little unbelievable.

"Isn't that to say that all sorceresses are... um~ very hot?"

"She looks ordinary."

"The efficacy of magic cream." Lan En waved his hand and explained to him. "I asked her, and when it came to her appearance, her natural confidence didn't seem fake."

"Then we have to be careful not to wipe the cream off her face." Phillip curled his lips.

"I know that my soldiers are a bunch of people who can't control their pants. Even if you tell them that they are a big shot, as long as the sorceress is as hot as the rumors, some of them will definitely be ruthless."

"It's normal that they can't control their pants, but you can't control them?"

"Ha!" Phillip looked sideways at Lan En and laughed.

"It's obvious that you haven't taken care of anyone, man. Prestige is a consumable. If you have to use prestige to take care of trivial matters, then something really big will happen and your subordinates won't be able to take it seriously."

Lan En weakly raised his hand and gave a thumbs up.

"I've certainly never been a leader, and I've never been taught."

Philip did not dare to delay the sorceress's injury, and the horses he ordered were quickly ready.

Although the sorceress was physically weak, her mind had almost regained consciousness at this time.

"No, no need for a stretcher. Witcher, just take me on a horse."

At this time, Lan En also retrieved his silver sword and Poppai from the woods.

He felt that the seams between his bones were still aching from the erosion of the potion's poison, which was similar to a high fever that wouldn't go away.

For him, it's not like he can't ride a horse.

"Can you handle it, ma'am?"

Lan En looked at the sorceress's legs suspiciously.

The wound was really rotten to the point of reaching the bone.

Margarita rubbed her forehead and responded: "Wounds and infections are not a problem. Take the time to return to Aretusa. With magic treatment, I can even make my legs more beautiful than before."

At this time, the obsession with legs is still "beautiful"? Isn’t the first reaction of normal people always to restore exercise ability?

Lan En didn't understand what was going on in the sorceress's mind.

Philip detached a cavalry, namely York, to escort Lan and Margarita to Gos Velen.

After all, neither the witcher nor the sorceress seemed capable of fighting at the moment.

The remaining cavalry will take the rescued children and the criminal evidence of this camp to the Crow's Nest Castle where the lord is located.

Give Ser Veserad new fame.

Lan En got on his horse, adjusted the horse's head with York, and prepared to set off in the night.

Margarita's complexion was originally very bad. In fact, patients with infected wounds could not have a good complexion.

But the strange thing is that after getting on Popeye's back together, the sorceress clung to Lan En's body as if her body was boneless.

His face suddenly relaxed.

Even through the heavy armor, Lan En could feel the amazing elasticity and curves of the female body in front of him.

Magic creams can't change your figure.

But this figure is fake!

In reality, there are really body curves after short video P-pictures!

Is it so unreasonable to know magic?

".What are you doing?"

Lan En frowned slightly.

Although young people are still in their prime of life, the mutation of the demon hunter can also cause excessive hormones.

But at this moment, he was suffering from toxins in his body, and the sorceress in his arms was not attractive because of the magic cream. Although she did have a great figure.

"No, it's nothing."

Margarita got rid of a tingling sensation that was like a slight electric shock and said calmly.

What Yennefer said is true!

The dean of Arethusa shouted in his mind.

Her good friend who is also a sorceress has a demon hunter lover, and her on-and-off relationship experience is a good talking point in the circle.

During their gathering, Yennefer claimed that the magical reaction in the witcher's body would interfere with the sorceress.

Although the level is very weak, it is impossible to interfere with the casting of spells. But the feeling brought about by magic interference can be applied to some happier scenes.

Women can scare men when they are dirty, and sorceresses are the most dirty among dirty things!

She didn't have any other ideas now. She was pursuing this feeling just to serve as a temporary analgesic to relieve the pain of the festering wound on her leg.


Margarita glanced behind her covertly.

The magic reaction in this guy's body is stronger than what Yennefer described!

Are there still strength differences in mutations between witchers?

York held a halberd in his hand and nodded to Lan En on his horse, indicating that he was ready to set off.

At this moment, White led a wet brown-haired child towards Lan En who was riding a horse.

To be precise, White was the leader at first. Later, when he saw Lan En, the child's eyes lit up and he ran towards Lan En super excitedly, leaving behind White who was leading the way.

"Aliya, run slower!"

White shouted.

York and Lan raised their eyebrows at the same time. Is this brown-haired child a girl?

You can't blame the two of them. Alia's brown hair and gray eyes have a cold feeling, which naturally weakens the softness.

And she had a small stabbing sword stuck in her waist, and she was more like a kid when she was jumping around and eager.

Her temper also seemed much tougher than that of most boys, and she didn't wait for White to catch up.

Aaliya raised her face in admiration and stared at Lan En closely.

"My lord, you are truly the most powerful knight I have ever seen! Can you let me be your squire?"

The young demon hunter looked blankly at the girl who suddenly jumped out.

"I'm not an 'adult' or a 'knight', and you don't need to address me with respect. No! Who is this child?"

Lan En turned to ask York. The halberdier himself was also confused. With his level of education, he might not even know how to use the honorific.

It was the girl herself who introduced herself excitedly.

"Arya. Arya Stark, this is my name, my lord."

The witcher's cat eyes looked up and down the girl's body.

He found that the girl's excitement was very different from that of the rescued children around her.

Others are lucky to have survived the disaster, but this guy is novel and excited.

Did she treat being kidnapped and trafficked as a game?

"I said, haven't you stayed in this camp for a few days?"

I guess only children who have just been here for a few days would be so optimistic.

White, who caught up, interrupted.

"Yes, Aaliya was captured just yesterday. She even gave us delicious food in the cage. What is her name?"

"Pan-fried pork pie. I wasn't captured. I just got lost with everyone in a blink of an eye. That pie was originally my snack."

"Lost?" York scratched his head, "Are you separated from your family? If it's not far away, maybe we can help you find it."

Aria nodded, "Not only the family, but also the king's team. We are following the king to King's Landing."

"King? King's Landing? What nonsense are you talking about? King Foltest hasn't been to this mud pit in years."

York is puzzled. "Mudhole" is the "affectionate" name for their hometown by the Wellen people.

"Forget it, this girl must have listened to too many stories, and now she is frightened again and is talking nonsense. What do you say, Lan En?"

Arya had no reaction to York's words. She had been talking to the children in the cage for the past two days, and they didn't even know "Stark".

Then Aaliya understood that she might be about to embark on an unknown adventure just like in the childhood stories.

This excites the girl who has loved dancing with knives and guns since she was a child.

She is now staring closely at the "great knight" who single-handedly broke through the enemy camp.

Lan En was also numb at this time, but the sorceress frowned and waved her hands.

"Take her with you. I just ask that we can leave as soon as possible. Even if we can't find her parents, I can find her a job that can support herself when Gos Velen gets there."

Neither the witcher nor the sorceress could stand this kind of physical damage.

So York picked the girl up on the horse, and the four of them set off in two.

The death of a person of my generation has a big impact on me. How should I put it? Everyone should pay attention to their health.

Thanks to Ayunyan for the 1000 point reward!

Thanks to Fuyun Shugui for the 100-point reward!

Thanks to Du Zhe233 and Jimmy Trouble for your 1500 point reward!

Thanks to Ai Xi and Sephiroth Gray for their 500 point reward!

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