The scorching heat made Han Ning dizzy. If his skin was not purple now, but had a human shape, it would have turned red.

"In a family of insect masters, the most powerful one is actually a lizard-shaped soul beast. This is really..."

Han Ning lowered his head and looked at the sky-flaming lizard below that was exhaling and exhaling as the magma erupted, and an inexplicable thought flashed through his mind.

The strongest insect dragon of Taman Insect Master does not completely have the appearance of an insect, but the dragon form occupies the main body.

Then, he became worried about his current situation.

Whether the Sky Flame Violent Lizard is strong or not has nothing to do with him.

Xiulin's head was pressed tightly and it was difficult to lift it up. Han Ning could only try his best to turn his eyes upward to check the surrounding situation.

They were currently on a semi-arc rock platform protruding from the interior of the crater.

There were half-human and half-insect people from the Ranhuo clan standing around. There were also many insect servants that looked like insects, and even more were all kinds of fire and earth attribute spirit beasts.

The crowd gathered around a relatively thin male insect master, only about 2 meters tall, with fiery red skin. Everyone looked at the Sky Flame Tyrant Lizard bathing in magma below with an almost fanatical gaze.

Just when Han Ning was wondering what they were going to do.


A roar full of violence and ferocity, like thunder, surged out of the body of the Blazing Sky Lizard.

The next moment, the slowly rolling dark red magma beneath it suddenly became restless, as if it had changed from a calm lake to a surging ocean wave!

Boom! !

The magma in the crater suddenly exploded, and the entire mountain range began to shake violently.

One after another, huge pieces of gravel were peeled off from the surrounding rock walls and fell into the magma.

In Han Ning's astonished eyes, a huge amount of magma enveloped the Blazing Sky Lizard and quickly climbed into the sky.

Endless magma spewed upward from the underground crater, and the volcanic ash that covered the sky spread to the mountains.

The surging heat wave even blew away a few relatively fragile insects on the platform. Fortunately, a lightly burning flame shield rose in time to prevent everyone from being drowned by the magma.

Loud roars echoed throughout the world, and the entire mountain range wrapped in verdant green vegetation was affected by magma debris falling sporadically from the sky, burning with red flames, and suddenly turned into a raging fire.

In just a few minutes, the entire dense forest near Shivering Peak was completely ignited by the magma rain falling from the sky, transforming from a vibrant scene into a scorching purgatory with flames burning the sky!

The long-standing white mist in the sky seemed to have been burned away, and the entire gray-white sky was dyed blood-like red!

Asta, the leader of the Burning Clan and the thin insect master, was filled with hot flames. He raised his head and looked at the distant sky curtain with burning eyes.

at the same time.

The sky-flaming lizard stepped on the lava rising into the sky, and its eyes burning with flames looked in the direction Asta was looking at almost simultaneously.

Affected by the invisible force, the rolling magma gathered behind the Sky Flame Violent Lizard and instantly enveloped its wide insect wings.

Immediately afterwards, the ubiquitous magma enveloped its entire body.

Not long after, a giant burning cocoon completely wrapped in magma, with dark red lava lines flowing on its surface, formed at an altitude of nearly hundreds of meters.

"Plop! Plop!"

A violent heartbeat like thunder erupted from the giant cocoon.

Every member of the Burning Fire Tribe looked at the trembling cocoons in the sky almost crazily. As if they were prepared, they all raised their sharp insect limbs and pierced their hearts.

The light red blood was like a fountain, suspended in mid-air from their hearts, gathered together, and, supported by an invisible force, floated upwards and merged into the left side of the giant cocoon.

Soon, streams of red-gold burning liquid that looked like blood or flowing magma flowed out from the right side of the giant cocoon, spread downwards, and then merged into the body of the insect-man who had donated his blood.

Most of the insect-men who had absorbed the red-gold liquid strangely turned into a ball of flame, and in just a few seconds, they turned into blackened cinders.

But they completely turned a blind eye and still stared at the sky with fanatical and crazy eyes.

"Evil way! They have betrayed the Holy Clan and want to expel all the Holy Blood in their bodies and turn it into Dragon Blood?!"

"...How dare they try to challenge the queen's power and touch the king's domain!!"

Although the cyan insect master's head was tightly restrained by Xiulin, the veins in his neck popped out. He struggled to lift his head and looked at the sky. Even though the mental power transmission did not carry any information, Han Ning could still feel his terrifying and angry emotions. !

"Queen, Saint Clan, why haven't you come to stop them!"

"The Burning Fire Clan actually wants to expel the insect blood in their bodies and completely convert them into the dragon's blood? This... is so crazy."

Han Ning's expression became shocked involuntarily as he listened to the green insect master's "crazy" shouting.

Time passed little by little, and the heartbeat in the giant cocoon became slower and slower, but became more and more surging, full of heart-pounding terrifying power.


The roar this time was completely different.

If the previous cry was violent and ferocious, at this moment, it turned into a terrifying beast that awakened from ancient times, carrying a desolate and distant atmosphere.

Suddenly, the lava cocoon suspended like a giant meteorite began to appear with cracks ranging from several meters to more than ten meters long.

Rich red-gold flames spread from the cracks.

The magma gushing upward from the ground became more violent.

The earth was shaking, the air was trembling, and the gray fog in the sky was burned away by the red-gold flames.

A touch of blue appeared at the end of the sky.

"Crack, crack~"

As the huge cracks formed, countless large and small cracks began to appear on the surface of the giant cocoon.

Endless red-gold flames, through the dense cracks, bloomed in the sky covered with volcanic ash.

The red-gold flames burned violently, vaguely forming a hideous beast that was hundreds of meters tall, with four wings on its back and sharp bone spurs all over its body.

"Come out, come out! My child, the king of the earth, the Golden Flame Yaoyan Dragon!" Asta, standing at the front of the platform, opened his hands, as if hugging his own child, and rushed to the burning dragon shadow in the sky.

"Golden Flame Yaoyan Dragon... a king-level soul beast, could it be..."

Just as the blue insect master stared at the sky with wide eyes.


From the distant sky, a very small but very crisp "crack" sound, like a broken mirror, suddenly came.

After hearing this sound, both Asta, the chief of the Burning Fire Clan, and Xiulin, the deputy chief, suddenly changed their expressions.

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