Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 3897 Heading to the top of the mountain

Jian Chen looked at the desolate medicinal field in front of him, the light in his eyes flickered a few times, and then he secretly called out to the Ziqing swords: "Ziying, Qingsuo, help me feel if there is the aura of the Heavenly Star Divine Sword here."

After a few breaths, Jian Chen received a reply from the Purple Green Sword Spirit. There was indeed a trace of the power of the Heavenly Star Divine Sword remaining here.

After hearing the news, Jian Chen couldn't help but reveal a faint smile, and said to himself: "Her Royal Highness the Princess of Tianxing Palace has finally enlightened herself. She knows that it is not easy to cultivate these heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and it would be a pity if they were destroyed. "

"Let's go to the next place."

Jian Chen led Lan Caidie towards the next medicine garden. However, when they arrived at their destination, what appeared in front of them was still a wasteland. In this void, there was also a trace of the Sky Star Divine Sword. .

"It's the Xingcai Room again!" Jian Chen felt pity in his heart, and he immediately continued to move forward with Lan Caidie, heading towards the remaining medicine gardens that he had not visited.

However, along the way, all the medicinal gardens that Jian Chen passed by were taken away by Xing Caijian, and he gained nothing.

After searching several medicinal gardens in succession, Jian Chen finally gave up the idea of ​​rushing to the next medicinal garden, because he could already conclude that in the lower part of the Sky Realm, all the medicinal gardens were gone.

Xingcaijian's speed was much faster than him. About 60% of the medicinal gardens were harvested by Xingcaijian, while Jian Chen only harvested 40% of the medicinal gardens.

And from various traces, Jian Chen also saw that Xing Caijian had completed cleaning these medicine gardens a few months ago. With the speed with which she could decipher the medicine garden formations, if she had not deliberately left some resources for herself, Jian Chen even doubted whether he could grab 20% of it.

Maybe, you can only get 10%!

Jian Chen turned his hand over and took a look at the distribution map of the medicine garden in the Sky World. The Sky World was in the shape of a huge mountain, with the foot of the mountain and the mountainside connected, and there were countless roads that could pass through it.

Only the area near the top of the mountain is separated. If you want to enter the top area, there is only one channel.

The mountaintop area is also the place where the seeds of kendo are competed for.

Because according to previous examples in Ferris World, kendo seeds will only appear in the mountaintop area, at least there are no examples of running to the area below.

Jian Chen's eyes fell on the six red dots on the top of the mountain, which symbolized the locations of the six medicinal gardens.

"These are probably the last six medicinal gardens in the current Sky World."

"However, the medicine garden can be cultivated in this area. It seems that the power behind these six medicine gardens is very amazing." Jian Chen said to himself.

"If I am not mistaken, Her Highness the Princess may have already taken action on these six medicinal gardens." Lan Caidi stood beside Jian Chen and said thoughtfully while looking at the map of the medicinal gardens in Jian Chen's hand.

Hearing this, Jian Chen could only let out a sigh full of regret. He also knew that what Lan Caidie said was true. The six medicine gardens located on the top of the mountain probably had nothing to do with themselves.

Immediately, he took out the soul-devouring furnace and penetrated it with his spiritual consciousness. When he looked at the energy crystals inside that had piled up into mountains and glowed with brilliant rays of light, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Putting aside the collection of all kinds of god-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures, the value of the energy crystals condensed by the soul-devouring furnace absorbing the energy of the formation is extremely astonishing.

Because these energy crystals are contributed by the guardian arrays of dozens of medicine gardens, each of these guardian arrays is very strong and contains extremely abundant energy, although the Soul-Eating Furnace can only collect a small part of the energy. They are energy crystals, but dozens of them are stacked together, and the number is extremely staggering.

"Calculate the time, the day when the sword seed is born is not far away, it's time to go up." Jian Chen turned his eyes and stared at the long ladder displayed on the map, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Although his trip to the Sky World has been fruitful, the seeds of kendo are the foundation of his trip.

Lan Caidi heard Jian Chen's next plan and said: "The road to the top of the mountain is not easy to walk, because there are many powerful formations hidden in the nearby area, many of which can pose a threat to the Immortal Realm. A powerful killing array."

"As an area where the seeds of swordsmanship are fought over, the situation above is not as safe as below. Once you go up there, it can be said to be a murderous attack at every step. It is extremely dangerous, and even the weaker Immortal Lord may die."

Jian Chen nodded and said: "Of course I understand what you are saying. In order to reduce the competition for kendo seeds, many people have set up powerful killing formations on it, but do you think the formations above can pose a threat to me?"

"I'm just reminding you that in many cases, the crisis comes in an instant. I'm afraid you won't have time to prepare and will suffer a big loss." Lan Caidi said.

Next, Jian Chen and Lan Caidie continued on the road, heading towards the top of the mountain. On the way, they occasionally encountered some god-level low-grade treasures. Neither Jian Chen nor Lan Caidie even glanced at them. Heading down the road.

After collecting the treasures of heaven and earth from dozens of medicinal gardens, Jian Chen has truly become rich and wealthy. He has completely ignored the few god-level low-grade plants and doesn't even bother to pick them.

Nowadays, the day when the kendo seeds are born is approaching, so even if he encounters some kendo stone tablets on the way, Jian Chen has given up the idea of ​​enlightenment.

As the road to the summit got closer and closer, Jian Chen also discovered that there were more and more formations arranged on the road.

Some formations are completely hidden in the void, and Jian Chen would not have been able to detect their existence if not for the reminder from the blue butterfly beside him.

There were even some individual formations, even though Lan Caidie warned them, but Jian Chen still didn't see the slightest clue.

Because unless you reach a certain level of cultivation, you cannot notice their existence at all.

Of course, not all formations are hidden, there are also some formations that are laid out on the surface, and anyone with a little bit of cultivation can recognize them at a glance.

This type of formation is not intended to target the immortals who enter the sky world, but only serves as a warning and barrier to prevent immortals with low cultivation from intruding.

The two of them were traveling at lightning speed. When they were still thousands of miles away from the road to the top, Jian Chen suddenly stopped. Using his spiritual energy as his eyes, he had already noticed that there were many immortals on the road to the top. The breath stays.

Such a scene made him couldn't help but think of the group of immortals who were very interested in him when he first entered the Sky World.

"That section of the ladder is ahead. Once you climb the ladder, you will officially enter the top of the mountain." Lan Caidie looked ahead. Her consciousness could still only spread within a hundred miles, and her visual field of vision gradually recovered with the aura of the sky world. It was shortened from the initial five hundred miles to three hundred miles.

"There are people deliberately waiting for me in front. I'm going alone on that stretch of the road. Don't follow me for the time being. You can go up after I enter the mountaintop area." Jian Chen said to Lan Caidie.

"I know you are not afraid of them, but your trump cards should not be exposed too early. Do you really don't need my help?" Lan Caidi said solemnly.

"Having you by my side makes me unable to let go. Don't forget how that Third Life Reincarnation Fruit fell into my hands." Jian Chen said in a calm tone.

Lan Caidi's eyes narrowed, and her mind instantly recalled Jian Chen's ability to disappear mysteriously when he had captured the Third Life Reincarnation Fruit.

Next, Lan Caidie stopped there and hid himself with the help of the rich spiritual mist, while Jian Chen rushed towards the only way to the top of the mountain alone.

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