Final priesthood

Chapter 318 Truth, Fruit (Third Update)

Lu Yuan had a hunch that it was this giant axe.

To be precise, the scarlet bead on the giant ax should be the material needed to advance the Elephant God Panel.

When he held the handle of the ax and directed his mental energy toward the scarlet bead on the axe, he could feel the deeper and more complex power contained in it, belonging to the Elephant God.

Images of the Blood Sea Demonic Mountain flashed before his eyes from time to time.

Waves of turbulent killing intent came from the ax, as if it was dragging him into an abyss.

“This round bead is of the same quality as Hundred-Eyed Crow Feather.

According to this calculation, the next upgrade of the [Xiang Shen. Ming Wang Stance (Extraordinary)] panel may transform into a legendary career panel? "

Lu Yuan's heart was pounding.

I have to say that this possibility is very high.

“One over here, plus one more to be unlocked.

In other words, I only need two more legendary materials, and I will become a man with two legendary panels at the same time! "

Invincible on the surface!

The most powerful person under the starry sky!

Several words popped into Lu Yuan's mind. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. He quickly grabbed the gray-white ax in his hand and tried to pull off the scarlet ball on the axe.

But this thing seemed to grow together with the giant axe. No matter how hard Lu Yuan tried, even if he turned on [Three Flowers] again, he couldn't shake it.

He tried to break the giant ax into pieces again, and then found that the bone giant ax was made from the bones of some ancient beast and could not be broken no matter how hard it was broken.

“It’s not that my bones are hard”

Lu Yuan picked up the giant ax and studied it before his eyes, and found that there were many scarlet threads all over the axe, just like blood threads growing in the bones.

"It should be that it has been combined with the orb for too long, and the material has been improved too much. The original ordinary weapon has been strengthened to a 'pseudo-legendary level'."

Lu Yuan finally chose to give up temporarily. Anyway, the giant ax was in his hand now and would not run away. He would go back and study it slowly.

It's really not possible

Just ask Yuwen Tong to take action and see if he can break it.

Unknowingly, we have reached the center of the black desert.

Lu Yuan saw a flat black stone platform here.

The stone platform is very high and stands alone, like an ancient altar.

Before Lu Yuan was about to walk onto the stone platform to check, he suddenly realized something——


He suddenly woke up, looked around, looked at the desert covered with black gravel, and then remembered.

Isn't this originally supposed to be an extremely tall black mountain?

He had seen it in the dream of the Elephant God, and he had also seen it in the stone paintings on the stone tablets of the Elephant Man tribe along the way.

Deep in the black plain should be a supreme mountain forged by the power of all the Elephant Men, and the Elephant King of all ages lived on the top of this mountain.

This is also the closest place to the elephant god.

but now

Why did it become a desert?

What kind of existence and what kind of power can shatter an entire mountain in an instant and turn it into a desert.

And when you see those elephant men along the way, why do they kneel down and worship?

What caused this mysterious place to become a dead place?

Why didn’t those ancient elephant-god creatures die?

The clues and mysteries that had been explored before all emerged from Lu Yuan's heart at this moment.

Lu Yuan glanced at the progress of the integration of his [student] and [ancient language expert] panels.


It started to move again.

It has climbed to 80%, and I don’t know if this exploration can fully integrate it successfully.

Walking up the stone platform for a long time, I saw graffiti carved on both sides of the steps.

The content is pretty much the same, basically the wall of achievements of the Elephant King of the past dynasties.

"Sure enough, the three-headed and six-armed Elephant Man is the natural king of the Elephant Man tribe, and two kings are not allowed to exist in the same tribe at the same time."

Lu Yuan confirmed some of his inner thoughts through the content of the mural.

He even found the "biography" of the Elephant Man King he had just killed.

It should be said that he is the protagonist of most of these murals, because he is the last Elephant Man King.

"It turns out that this giant ax is a reward from the elephant god"

Lu Yuan stopped in front of a mural and saw that the mural depicts the elephant god giving blood.

The scarlet bead on the giant ax is really a drop of blood.

“Blood of Ganesha?

Or something else? "

Lu Yuan's eyes flickered, unsure.

The road was far away while walking, looking up slowly.

By the time the integration progress of the [Student] and [Ancient Language Expert] panels reached 86%, he was completely standing on the top of the stone platform.

What appeared in front of him was a flat table.

Many patterns and grooves of unknown meaning remain on the countertop.

Lu Yuan examined it carefully and finally found a shallow depression in the center of the table.

He thought for a moment and put the giant ax in his hand up.

As a result, the huge ax body perfectly covered this depression.

"Is this giant ax still used as a sacrificial prop?"

Lu Yuan stretched out his hand and rubbed it gently on the countertop. When his fingers touched the patterns and grooves, his expression suddenly changed.


Lu Yuan grabbed the giant ax on the table and cut open his palm.

The giant ax is very sharp, otherwise it would not have cut into the flesh of the neck before the road was far away.

A large amount of blood flowed from the cut wound on his palm. Lu Yuan focused on filling the grooves on the table with blood bit by bit.

"That's how it works, right?"

"I wonder if my blood can bring about the will of the Elephant God?"

Lu Yuan's mood was complicated during the whole blood injection process.

Both curious and expectant, but also nervous with a hint of apprehension.

To be honest, he did this entirely on a whim, and subconsciously he didn't think anything could really happen.

If the will of the elephant god really comes so easily.

The dead Elephant Man King would not have been languishing in the secret realm until now.

Finally, the grooves on the table were completely filled with Lu Yuan's blood.

Lu Yuan looked at it and saw that the grooves filled with blood formed a pattern of a magic mountain.

It's exactly the same as the symbol of the Ganesha cult.

But this pattern is now made of blood, which fits the meaning of the Blood Sea Demonic Mountain.

"It turns out that the blood sea has always been hidden in the magic mountain. The power of the Elephant God is composed of the magic mountain and the blood sea, but no one has discovered it."

As Lu Yuan thought, the blood magic mountain pattern on the table in front of him began to glow slightly.

Does it really work? !

Lu Yuan was startled.

He was the one who started to have the whim to give it a try.

Now that he found out that it really worked, he was the one who was hesitating whether to smash the stone platform in front of him with one punch, fearing that the will of the Elephant God would really come down.

"It's okay if it really comes. I'm considered the new Elephant King now, and I'm a talented thief. There's no reason to kill me. If you behave better, you can probably get some benefits from the will of the Elephant God. .

Wasn’t there a reward when the last Elephant King was crowned? "

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed rapidly, watching as the blood in the blood tank on the stone platform in front of him was quickly absorbed by the giant ax placed in the center of the table.

Then the entire giant ax began to glow red.

The drop of blood on the axe's surface was even more scarlet, spinning like a bloody eyeball.

Lu Yuan hesitated

Reach out your hand.

He gently grasped the ax handle.

The moment I hold the ax handle.


A huge stream of information poured into his mind.

Countless messy and ancient pictures flashed through Lu Yuan's mind.

He saw the Elephant King walking on the ground holding a giant axe. It waved the giant ax in its hand wantonly, and the giant ax released one after another huge scarlet ax light.

Under the light of this axe, huge beasts fell one after another like wheat.

Their blood is absorbed by the giant axe, continuously increasing the power of the giant axe.

"Blood-drinking knife?! Oh no, it should be a blood-drinking axe!"

Lu Yuan looked at the screen and complained.

The scene continues.

The Elephant Man King, blessed by the power of the giant axe, will never face any opponents in this land.

No matter how ferocious and cruel the beast is, it can't resist its gentle axe.

Moreover, the power of the giant ax continues to grow after absorbing a large amount of the opponent's blood.

The Elephant Man King gradually became addicted to the feeling of holding this supreme power.

It became violent, cruel, and murderous.

Because of the help of the giant axe, his position as the king of the tribe has become unbreakable.

No elephant with three heads and six arms can shake its throne.

time keeps passing

The useful information in the picture became extremely scarce, and almost all Lu Yuan saw were scenes of killing.

These scenes were repetitive and bloody, gradually making Lu Yuan's will become numb and indifferent.

It even brought back memories of the dream about the Blood Sea Demonic Mountain in his mind.

I don’t know how long it took.


A picture flashed before Lu Yuan's eyes——

Over the vast plains, dark clouds suddenly appeared.

A majestic and vast will "rumbling" descended, and countless spherical bloody thunder emerged.

Sitting high on the highest mountain, the Elephant Man King holding a giant ax suddenly stood up and looked up at the sky in surprise.

It knelt on the ground and seemed to be communicating with the will descending from the sky.

Looks of shock, panic, and confusion gradually flashed across its face, and finally these looks all turned into deep awe and piety.

The dark clouds dissipated.

The bloody thunder faded.

The Elephant Man King stood up from the ground and issued orders one by one with an indifferent expression.

Soon, the entire Elephant Man Kingdom became busy.

Elephants from countless tribes came out in full force.

Under the orders of the Elephant Man King, they began to hunt wildly all living creatures except the Elephant Man race.

The blood dyed the earth a dark red color.

The corpses of living creatures were transported to the highest mountain one after another and placed in every corner of the giant mountain.

When almost all the living creatures on this land were hunted to death, the giant black mountain was finally covered with flesh and blood.

An unprecedented altar was built.

The Elephant Man King held a giant ax and stood on the top of the mountain of flesh and blood, waiting quietly.

And the people under its command also knelt down devoutly in circles around the central stone in their respective tribes.

They seem to be waiting for something.


A certain moment.

The head of Ganesha appeared in the sky.

Without explaining anything to his followers, the descending elephant god opened his mouthparts covered with tentacles and made a fierce gesture of devouring the earth beneath him.

Flesh and blood turned to smoke, and mountains collapsed.

An Elephant Man quickly turned to stone under the suction force, and then quickly disintegrated.


Lu Yuan suddenly woke up from the scene transmitted by the giant axe, opened his eyes, his face was full of shock and horror.

The last scene kept flashing through his mind.

That was a horrific scene that could be called world-destroying.

Compared with the experience of witnessing the destruction of the entire ancient Brent Kingdom by the Hundred-Eyed Dark Crow, the impact was even greater.

The latter just shocked him.

But the former.

What it brought him was a bone-chilling chill.

"The entire elephant-man kingdom was destroyed by the elephant god himself."

"Their faith took all of their lives with their own hands."

"Is this what a believer means to the ancient evil god?"

"It's just like the fruit trees planted in an orchard. They are carefully cultivated, watered, fertilized and loosened on daily basis.

When the fruit trees bear fruit, in time of need.”

Lu Yuan looked dazed and murmured: "You can harvest whatever you want to satisfy your hunger and quench your thirst."

Lu Yuan subconsciously touched his chest and sensed the feather of the Hundred-Eyed Crow.

This feather was left to him by the Crow God Lamashitu.

Once upon a time, he was still complacent about getting the Crow God's favor.

Now I can't help but think of a terrifying possibility——

Could it be that he is also a fruit chosen by the Crow God?

In some unknown corner, the woman in black skirt who liked to bathe in the River Styx was watching him quietly.

Waiting for this fruit to gradually become plump, plump and mature


Eat him in one bite? !

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