From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 386 Princess Refuge

Al Thani slowly told the story of how he rescued his sister. While Qiao Jia was amazed, he discovered that he was really capable of doing this...

The Arabian royal family gossip is quite interesting, and their princes and princesses are far less valuable than the outside world imagines.

As we all know, royal tycoons in the Middle East generally have multiple wives, especially the Shah's royal family.

But what most people can't imagine is that even if the royal family marries the 18th wife, they will not consider common people.

As the Shah's Prince Naif was a very important figure, his little wife also had to be a princess.

And here is what MSL is most criticized for. They generally regard women as their property, even their biological daughters.

Al Thani's father is the younger brother of the former old king of Qatar, and his cousin is the current king of Qatar...

The old king is also very legendary. Because he couldn't bear the heat, he ran to Northern Europe to escape the heat. Then his son took the opportunity to purge the confidants who stayed in the country and froze his bank account.

This unlucky man was trapped in his home in Northern Europe and could not return, and finally had to announce that he would pass the throne to his son.

Al Thani's grandfather was once a die-hard brother of the old king. After the old king lost power, Al Thani's father quickly bowed his head to the current king, but his power and wealth were still not as good as before.

In order to consolidate his position, Al Thani's father married his youngest daughter to the Shah's Prince Naif as his 16th wife.

The current king of Qatar is considered an open-minded person, and the princess is a shareholder of many luxury goods companies in France. She also runs several self-created luxury brands, and her image is very positive in Europe and the United States.

Al Thani is also an open-minded person who studies abroad. He didn't have time to stop his father's move, but he has always cared about his half-sister.

His sister studied in France and tried to escape many times after being forced into marriage.

But every time, Prince Naif sent people to arrest her. The most serious one was when a group of Shah agents kidnapped her on the street in London, put her in a car and took her to the airport, but the London police did not dare to do anything. put.

If it weren't for her father's status, there might be no news about this princess.

Al Thani has always looked down upon his conservative father, and was very unwilling to let his sister become a victim, but he did not have the ability in the past.

Now the power struggle within the Shah is very unfavorable to Naif, so Al Thani has the idea of ​​​​rescuing his sister.

Arrange agents to sneak into Prince Naif's reception, fish the princess out and put her on Afiqa's plane, and finally stuff her into Qiao Jia's territory. Pay 10 million in protection fees a year, and persist until Prince Naif burps. .

After Qiao Jia thought about this matter, it seems, maybe, probably he can do it!

In particular, this princess would rather run to a remote village in Central Africa to get rid of her current life. This not only proves her determination, but also proves that freedom is more important than enjoyment in her heart.

It is not news that princesses in the Middle East run away from marriage or run away from home, but in the end most of them succumb, because most of the princesses who have lived a comfortable life since childhood cannot do without big cities, money and enjoyment.

Al Thani's sister would rather go to Central Africa, which means she has chosen another life.

But the Said family and the Dubai royal family are the hardest hit areas for another kind of princess who ran away.

Said's other two sisters also tried to escape from their father's control, but ended up being imprisoned and abused.

The only one who succeeded was the famous second princess of Dubai, Haya!

This woman, who is more than 20 years younger than the Sheikh of Dubai, fled to England with $270 million in private money and her two daughters when her husband was about to give away her teenage daughter as a gift.

Then, with the support of the Jordanian royal family, she won the divorce lawsuit and won a compensation of 4.6 billion pounds.

But now she has to face endless custody litigation, and she has never had a moment of real peace anyway.

Qiao Jia thinks this can be done because of the lessons learned from the Princess of Dubai...

Although the two princesses did not escape in the end, the international organizations that helped them were not retaliated against. On the contrary, they gained a high reputation after being exposed.

It was only later that those losers didn't know whether they were defeated by Dubai's gold dollar, or whether they had limited abilities. They kept saying they were happy but did not take actual actions. This made the public lose their patience and trust in them.

Of course, Dubai's deterrence is not as good as the Shah's, but Qiaojia is not a member of those useless social organizations.

Just look at the way European and American media reporters chased and fought against the Shah's royal family when they saw it, you will know how bad the Shah's image is in the eyes of the media.

Saving the princess from the hands of the Shah is political correctness in the media. Anyone who disagrees is the enemy of democracy and freedom.

Those media reporters in Europe and the United States are indeed troublemakers, but sometimes you have to admire them. These media terrorists really dare to do anything.

It is a basic operation to keep the Shah's royal family from coming to power in public. If you dare not do this, you will be looked down upon by your peers.

The most important thing is that judging from the attitudes of Said and Al Thani, Prince Naif's good days may not last long, so what is there to hesitate about?

With a protection fee of 10 million a year, you can also get a princess to go to Central Africa to bring warmth to the poor local people, which is both face and benefit.

Just because of the topicality of the princess, as long as she is willing to show up and "speak loudly" for P·B in society, she can make a lot of money every day by setting up any charity fund, and P·B's good image can be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with media reports.

Just because P·B dared to lose the Shah's face, which media reporter would have to be unfavorable?

And Qiao Jia could honestly say that he really didn't want to offend the Shah, but he really wasn't afraid of the Shah.

This group of wealthy people are at loggerheads with the Yemeni gang. It is impossible for them to come to Central Africa to fight with P.B. over a fallen prince.

It is possible to pay mercenaries for revenge, but in Qiao Jia's home field, it is unlikely that the mercenaries will succeed.

And it’s not like there is any real conflict of interest between us. As for face, it will pass as time goes by.

Said had previously said that this would be an image business. If the first one was successful, new orders would come in the future.

Qiao Jia guessed that he was trying to take care of his two younger sisters who failed to escape and were imprisoned.

He had said before that his sister's mental condition was not very good. By building a palace on the grassland, he could often take his sister there to relax.

Said's brother, Crown Prince Harmandan, is a well-known Internet celebrity prince, and his thinking is probably more modern.

Their father's power is still there, so they don't dare to make any mistakes, but there is still hope for them to build a palace in Central Africa, and then the two brothers beg for mercy and let their sister be imprisoned in another place.

After figuring out the whole story, Qiaojia did not agree immediately. Instead, he looked at Said sideways and said, "How about we pick up Al Thani's sister and fly directly to Dubai. I will take someone to pick you up." The two younger sisters were also snatched out?

We are friends, and I will give you a discount. One princess will receive 10 million a year, and the two sisters will receive 10 million in total. Food, shelter, and safety are all included. They can move freely in my territory.

what do you think? "

Said glanced at Al Thani, who had a strange expression. He rubbed his head and said helplessly: "Jackal, we are brothers, and my sister is your sister..."

Moreover, I built the palace with my own money, and I also helped you build the airport. Isn’t it too disrespectful of brotherhood to ask me for money? My sister is very pitiful! "

Qiao Jia was amused by Said's appearance. This prince made a great impression on him. Although he was a little vain, he had a really good character.

Perhaps because there is no chance of inheriting the throne, Said is a bit letting himself go.

When a person has more money than he can spend in a lifetime and has no burden, shouldn't he live a more relaxed life?

Taking a stake in the Global Hunting Guide Company is only Said's first attempt. Saving the princess is just a small episode. He also longs to do something great and let people remember that there is a prince named Said in Dubai.

Facing Said like this, Qiao Jia had no choice but to stand up and hug him, then said with a smile: "Okay, your sister is my sister.

You send them there, as long as they yearn for true freedom, rather than wanting to enjoy life without being bound, I can guarantee their safety as long as they are in Central Africa. "

After hearing this, Said nodded with emotion and said: "My sister is about to be imprisoned and she is willing to do anything as long as she can breathe fresh air.

It is probably impossible for them to marry into the royal family in this life, but I still hope they can spend this life happily.

You are right, there is no such thing as a life of both wants and needs. Being born into a royal family means you have to bear responsibilities.

Marrying a princess is a kind of 'responsibility'. They don't want their father to dictate their life, so they have to give up their past life.

Central Africa is great. It has the cruelest yet most prosperous scene in the world.

If they can start over there, it will also go a long way in reshaping the image of the Dubai royal family. "

Qiao Jia gave a thumbs up to Said who thought clearly. Princesses in the Middle East are not all "tragedies". As long as they can figure it out, their lives will actually be better than 99% of the people in the world.

Thinking about the beauty audition organized by Al Thani in order to rescue his sister, he smacked his lips and said a little bit unpleasantly: "Okay, I will take this business.

But I can't steal people at the reception. I'm only responsible for covering the princess when she goes out. You have to do the work of stealing people. "

As he spoke, Qiaojia stretched out his hand to shake Al Thani's hand, and said with a smile: "I appreciate what you did for your sister.

However, I can only promise to ensure her safety in Central Africa, and I cannot guarantee that all of her requirements will be met.

Sometimes I feel that escaping is not an option. I personally suggest finding something for her to do. For example, Princess Charlene of Monaco works as a volunteer at my place..."

Qiaojia said it more implicitly, but Al Thani immediately understood that some things, after being exposed to the sun, can actually make the Shah's people maintain restraint.

So he nodded and said: "Don't worry, you will know when you see my sister Emina, she is a real angel.

She longs for freedom and is willing to leave everything behind!

Of course Emina is willing to be the one to hold an umbrella for someone else if they need it.

The Middle East needs more outstanding female representatives, and Emina can definitely do it! ! "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia nodded and looked at Said with a smile and said: "In the future, my resort can be renamed 'Escape Princess Resort'.

We will open more branches in the future and strive to send a princess who escaped from marriage to work in each resort. "

Said nodded heavily and said: "Let my two younger sisters see hope first, and then my 17-year-old little sister Sarah may be able to muster the courage...

There are too many bastards in the Shah's royal family. My father is planning to give Sara to a 40-year-old prince who is not a direct line of the Shah. I can't accept it.

Jackal, I am serious about investing in you. If things really come to the worst, I may not be a prince anymore.

Without the support from the royal family, my life would be difficult if I only relied on my brother Harmandan to support me.

Global Guide Hunting Company must succeed! ! "

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