Go back to 1980 and enjoy it

Chapter 368 Ancestor Worship, Robbers

Saturday, the eighteenth day of the second lunar month.

This day is a day of special significance for the Naye Deng clan members under the age of 30.

When the Nayedeng family worships their ancestors, the sacrifices that need to be prepared include five animals (pigs, sheep, chickens, geese, ducks), rice balls, tea, and wine. As for other things such as candies, biscuits, and fruits, there are It’s okay, it’s okay if you don’t have it.

If the five animals, rice balls, tea and wine are meals for our ancestors, then candies, biscuits and fruits are just snacks. This is the difference.

As for gold and silver incense candles, needless to say, there is also a large and long straw snake made of straw. Before setting off, you need to light this straw snake and let it smoke. This is not allowed. Those who were destroyed were taken out to shovel mountains or worship ancestors, but they were also brought back.

At eight o'clock in the morning, everyone gathered at the entrance of the new ancestral hall to fill their stomachs with bowls of porridge.

When everything was ready, Deng Shirong, the leader of the clan, gave an order, and thousands of people marched toward the tomb of the ancestor of the Deng family in Naye.

The people in front who were responsible for clearing the way were the tribesmen with the straw snake and the Deng flag, followed closely by the tribesmen who played the suona and the gongs and drums, and then the tribesmen who carried the sacrifices of pigs, sheep, chickens, geese and ducks. , and then came the tribesmen holding tools and fireworks.

Thousands of people lined up in a long queue, beating gongs and drums and playing suonas all the way. The momentum was indeed extraordinary.

The cemetery of the founder of the Naye Deng family is not far from Naye Village, about two kilometers away. After walking for about half an hour, everyone arrived at the foot of the First Ancestor Mountain.

This mountain is called Gaolongtang.

As for the burial places of their ancestors, Naye Deng was afraid that future generations would forget them, so she made up a jingle. This jingle goes like this: The first generation ancestor is in Gaolongtang, the second generation ancestor is on the hillside of the temple, and the third generation ancestor is at Snake Head. …

It existed all the way up to the tenth generation ancestor, and it was catchy and easy to remember.

Although this ancestral mountain is called Gaolongtang, the mountain is actually not high.

There are many mountains in Bobai. It can be said that there are mountains everywhere, but these are not high. The highest mountain in the county is Liutangjing, with an altitude of only 929 meters. The mountains in Shuangwang are even higher. There are very few mountains that go up to 100 meters, they are all short mountains that are tens of meters high.

Just like Gaolongtang, its altitude is only a few dozen meters high.

After arriving at the place, because there were too many people, everyone had to scatter around. They had no choice but to squeeze in front of the ancestor's tomb, leaving only some tribesmen to pick up tools and start clearing the weeds next to the tomb.

As for Deng Shirong and several prominent members of his clan, they stood together with the clan leaders and prominent people from the branch clans in various places.

Deng Changfa, the leader of the Deng clan in Xintian, said with emotion: "I think back then, when the elders and I came to worship our ancestors, I was still a young man who didn't even have a wife. Now I even have grandchildren. How time flies. It’s so fast!”

The head of the Yamaguchi Deng clan continued: "I also came here with the elders of the clan, but I was younger at that time, only fourteen or fifteen years old, and I have never been here again since then."

The head of the Deng clan in Shahe said: "Back then, there were only a few of us who came to worship our ancestors. The scene was nothing like it is now."

The head of the Deng clan in the mansion smiled and said: "That's different. It's so far away. Back then, I had to walk on two feet. I walked all day and all night. It's great to have a few people come to participate. It's not like driving here now." , it only takes one or two hours, it’s totally incomparable.”

The head of the Beiliu Deng clan agreed: "Yes, it's too far away, especially since we are more than a hundred kilometers apart. Since the road is not easy to walk, it takes several hours to drive here. If you can walk, you can at least get there. It takes two or three days to get there, so it’s really not easy to come here!”

Deng Yungui said with a smile: "At least it is open to traffic now. Unlike before where we could only walk. We of the same race can strengthen ties and develop together."

Deng Shirong said: "The current road is indeed difficult to walk. When the country develops in the future, this road will definitely be rebuilt, and it will be paved with asphalt or cement. There may even be a highway built. Then we can drive here." Much more convenient.”

“Is this where we’re going to build the highway?”

Deng Yungui was speechless when he heard this: "Uncle Jiu, I saw that the highways mentioned on TV were all built in big cities. It's probably impossible for a place like us to build highways in a place where birds don't shit. ?”

In the 1980s, our country's expressways were just starting to develop, and even those heavyweight cities were not yet fully connected by expressways, let alone such nooks and crannies as Shuangwang.

Normally, there is really no hope of building a highway in a remote place like Shuangwang.

However, things are unpredictable. Except for Deng Shirong, who has experienced it, no one could have imagined that the country would develop so fast in later generations. Before he was reborn, the Shuangwang Expressway was already under construction. Unfortunately, before it was completed and opened to traffic, he Passed away forever.

“Our geographical location in Shuangwang is indeed not good, and it is inherently worse than other towns. However, our country is developing rapidly. Maybe one day, the country will be able to provide expressway access to every town and town. Who can say for sure! "

Deng Shirong said meaningfully: "Just like ten years ago, it was not easy for us to have a meal of meat. Who dares to think that we will be able to spend millions to build a new ancestral hall in ten years?"

Deng Yunqiang shook his head repeatedly and said: "At that time, I never dreamed that today would happen."

Deng Changfa said with emotion: "Since the reform and opening up of our country, it has indeed changed every year. Perhaps in a few decades, as Jiugong said, every town will be connected to a highway. By that time, our country may be as developed as the United States."

A few people stood there chatting about all sorts of things, while the clansmen had already cleaned up the weeds next to the tomb neatly.

The reason why it was so fast was that on the one hand, the clansmen were used to doing the work, and cleaning weeds was a piece of cake for them. Practice makes perfect.

On the other hand, it was the ancestor of the Naye Deng family. It was not an ordinary earthen tomb, but a white tomb.

The so-called white tomb is a tomb hardened with lime.

White tombs cannot be built casually (here, building white tombs is called building white tombs). In Bobai, the first condition for building white tombs is that the tomb must be a Feng Shui treasure land that has been identified by a famous master. If it is a small earthen tomb with no pattern, it will be a joke.

Secondly, it is generally an old tomb of some age. If it is a new tomb, it is rare to build a white tomb.

In Bobai, there is a big difference between white graves and earth graves.

White graves have everything that a grave should have, including tombstones and epitaphs.

As mentioned above, earth graves are just nameless small mounds of earth, which is also the main reason why some people mistake their ancestors when shoveling mountains in later generations.

This small earth grave is really too difficult to distinguish. Even if you go to shovel the mountain every year, it is difficult to remember, not to mention that some people in later generations may only have time to shovel the mountain once every few years because of busy work. It all depends on the brain to remember. Once a person's memory is wrong, it is normal to shovel the ancestors of other people's families next to it as their own ancestors.

After the tribesmen cleaned up the weeds next to the grave, they began to arrange the offerings. During this period, the sound of gongs, drums and suona never stopped. The sound of gongs and drums on the top of the mountain, coupled with the suona, which is known as the king of musical instruments, can really spread far and wide.

When everything is ready, the ancestor worship ceremony officially begins.

Deng Shirong and Deng Yungui, the two people in charge of drinking the wine, stepped forward and began to drink the wine, directing the clansmen to start bowing three times and nine times to the ancestors, as shown in the following picture:

[This is the scene of the Naye Deng clan worshipping their ancestors. Because they were not worshipping the ancestor, they did not notify the clan members in various places. In addition, the worship of ancestors in this era was not as grand as in the 1990s. Many clan members who were working and doing business outside did not come back, so the number of participants was not large. There is a video in the Easter egg chapter later, please go and watch it.]

After completing the entire process, it was more than two hours later.

The reason why it took so long was mainly because the list of sacrificial texts was relatively long. It took more than an hour to read the sacrificial texts alone. In addition to the various ancestor worship processes, it was normal to spend more than two hours.

After going through the various ancestor worship procedures, the clan members began to set off fireworks and firecrackers, then beat gongs and drums, and played suonas...

These two hours have finally allowed many clan members and clan members to gain knowledge and know what ancestor worship is all about. The older clan members were also moved by the scene and recalled the scenes of accompanying their elders to worship their ancestors.

However, things have changed now, and many of the elders who accompanied them to worship their ancestors are no longer alive.

After worshiping the first ancestor, the clan members and clan members went back to drink a few bowls of porridge, and then replaced other offerings (whether it is shoveling the mountain or worshiping the ancestors, the offerings cannot be shared here. The same offerings have been used to worship this ancestor. When worshiping another ancestor, new offerings must be replaced. It can be understood as disrespectful to eat leftovers for the ancestor^_^), and then they started to get on the car and prepare to worship the second generation ancestor.

Because the second generation ancestor is far away, you have to take a car to go there.

However, if they took the bus, some clan members would definitely not be able to go. Although there were many cars now, including those driven by clan members and 20 buses transferred back from the passenger transport company for ancestor worship, the number of people was too large, and some clan members were destined to stay.

The clan members were not disappointed.

After all, they had just experienced the ancestor worship process and knew what it was all about.

So, dozens of trucks and 20 buses were dispatched together, all with Deng family flags, beating gongs and drums all the way, making a lot of noise. When passing other villages, the villagers ran out to watch the excitement.

Such a scene is still rare.

The following process is basically the same, so there is no need to say more.

The five-day ancestor worship activities directly alarmed the surrounding major surnames, making the Naye Deng family once again the focus of discussion among the major surnames.

The clan leaders of these surnames began to think about it, planning to learn from the Naye Deng family and restart the ancestor worship activities next year.

The clan members from all over the country had a very comfortable life in the past five days. The brothers in the ancestral land treated them very warmly. The dishes for five days were also very rich. There was as much tobacco, tea and wine as they wanted, which made these clan members reluctant to leave.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye.

"Jiu Gong, we will go back first. You have time to come to our mansion to play."

"Jiu Gong, we have a lot of seafood in Shankou, all of which are the freshest. Come and stay for a few days when you are free!"

"Jiu Gong, we welcome you to visit us at any time in Shahe."

"Jiu Gong..."

Before leaving, the clan leaders of the clan members from all over the country came to greet Deng Shirong and invited him to visit them with expectation.

In response, Deng Shirong smiled and responded in unison: "Okay, I will come to your place to play when I have time."

After greeting each other, the clan members got into the car and left with a look of reluctance.

The next day, Deng Shirong took a car to Nanning.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Deng Shirong saw the renderings of the villa complex in Dean Huang's office.

The first time he saw the renderings, Deng Shirong couldn't take his eyes away. Dean Huang was worthy of being an ancient architectural designer who had collaborated with him on several projects. He really knew what kind of design he wanted. This villa The group was completely built based on his ideas.

The architectural style is as follows:

[Everyone has a feeling that it is a Chinese-style building like this. Dean Huang’s design is definitely more beautiful than this one, but the author can’t find a better-looking picture]

This single building may not look amazing enough, but after being connected to a large scale and decorated with greenery on both sides of the river, and integrated as a whole, it looks very amazing.

If coupled with lighting, the visual effect will be even more charming.

In short, the renderings created by Dean Huang look really beautiful.

If you are satisfied with the design effect, then you can ask Dean Huang to issue the construction drawings. Deng Shirong plans to let their Naye Deng's real estate company be responsible for the construction of this villa group in the village, so that he will not trouble the architectural design institute.

After all, the construction of such a building is not difficult. If you hire an architectural design institute to build it, the various costs will be too high and it is not cost-effective.

And having a clan company take care of it can save a lot of money.

Although the Naye Deng family is not short of money now, they can't waste it like this if they have money.

Dean Huang didn't care about this. Anyway, Boss Deng didn't miss his design fee, and the construction projects of their Architectural Design Institute were poorly received. The construction staff were already exhausted, so it didn't matter if they missed one project. What impact.

After talking about the villa complex, Deng Shirong then chatted with Dean Huang about the renovation progress of Naye Deng's community. Knowing that it would be completed in three or four months, he left with satisfaction.


A truck was driving from Bobai to Hepu. The person driving the truck was none other than Bu Dajun from Baoshan Village.

At this time, Bu Dajun was skillfully controlling the steering wheel while bragging to his two friends sitting in the passenger seat.

As Bu Zhongshi's brother who has played with him since childhood, before Bu Zhongshi even bought a truck, he took him to Bobai to learn how to drive.

After getting his driver's license, Bu Zhongshi took out a loan to buy the truck, and Bu Dajun has been working as a driver for his brother.

Later, with the support of his uncle, Bu Zhongshi became more and more prosperous in the freight industry. The number of trucks continued to increase, and he had already become the self-employed person with the most trucks in Bobai. The business was booming. It is not an exaggeration to make money every day.

After becoming the real big boss, Bu Zhongshi naturally did not forget Bu Dajun, the brother he had played with since childhood.

Therefore, with the support of Bu Zhongshi, Bu Dajun, who was originally just a driver, also owned a truck of his own, and could also work with Bu Zhongshi. The income was naturally not comparable to that of a mere driver with a dead salary.

In the past two years, Bu Dajun has made a lot of money. Not only has his family built a new house, but he has also married a virtuous wife. His life is really enjoyable.

And all this was brought to him by his brother Bu Zhongshi, and Bu Dajun naturally knew it.

I was bragging with my friends when the car made a big turn and the road was blocked by a large horizontal tree.

Seeing this scene, Bu Dajun, who had been driving for several years and had sufficient experience, felt nervous and immediately shouted: "Be careful, it's dangerous."

While speaking, he had already stopped the car and immediately took out a shotgun from the side.

It was not the first time that the two friends followed the car. After hearing this, they quickly took out two shotguns from the side.

With the gun in his hand, Bu Dajun felt a little more at ease.

At this time, he also saw clearly that next to the large horizontal tree, seven or eight people were standing there scattered, holding tools such as hoes and iron picks in their hands, as if they had just come back from working in the fields and stopped here. Looking like taking a rest.

Seeing Bu Dajun brake, they did not get close to him, but stayed there and smoked silently.

When Bu Dajun saw this, he knew in his heart that this group of people was not the kind of thugs who wanted to steal everything or even kill people. They probably just wanted "tolls."

Thinking of this, Bu Dajun took out five Great Unity cards from his pocket, then opened the car window, waving the Great Unity in his hand, and said to those people: "Brothers, can you please help move this tree away? This This is your hard-earned money.”

Seeing that Dajun Bu was so "interested", someone in the crowd immediately answered: "Brother, this tree is a bit heavy, I'm afraid we can't move it!"

After hearing this, Bu Dajun took out a Unite card and a five-yuan note and said, "Brothers, please help me. I'm just a driver. This is my salary for more than a month."

While talking, under Bu Dajun's instructions, the two friends showed their hands.

When the man saw this, he said reluctantly: "Well, since brothers have talked about it for this reason, it is indeed not good if we don't help. Just wait a moment, and we will help move the tree away." "

While talking, a young man from the crowd walked over.

Bu Dajun handed the money to the other party. After the other party took the money, he went back and worked with others to move the big tree blocking the road.

Bu Dajun thanked him, then restarted the vehicle and left the place under the watch of several people.

The two friends didn't speak during the whole process. It wasn't until after they left that one of the friends couldn't help but said: "Brother Dajun, why do you have to give them money? They only have a few hoes and iron picks, and we have three in our hands." Guns, are you still afraid of them?"

Bu Dajun shook his head and said, "That's not what you're saying. When we go out, we should still value peace. If we can get through the difficulties with a little money, then we don't need to fight them desperately.

Of course, if their appetite was too big just now, then we would have no choice but to fight with them. "

In fact, there is another important reason that he didn't say, that is, he is worried now. He has a wife waiting for him to return home. He cannot afford to fight for this little money. If he meets her before he marries his wife, In this situation, it is impossible to expect him to obediently pay for it when he has a gun in his hand.

Another friend scolded: "You will give them an advantage by provoking Mea Zhibai."

Bu Dajun said while driving: "The situation we just encountered is already very lucky. I have heard from many colleagues that some places now not only rob drivers of their money, but also rob them of goods. If the driver dares to resist, It’s very possible that you won’t even be able to save your life.”

Friend A said: "Damn, it's really dangerous to work as a freight transporter."

Friend B said: "No wonder Brother Zhongshi often tells us that we must be more vigilant when going out to drive cars. In broad daylight, people come out to intercept us and ask for money. If it's at night, isn't it even more dangerous?"

Bu Dajun said: "So, we never walk at night. It's really dangerous to drive a car at night."

Friend A said: "When we go back, we have to remind Brother Zhongshi and let other brothers be careful about the route to the mansion."

Bu Dajun said: "You don't have to wait until you get back. Once the goods are brought to the place, I will page him."

at the same time.

On a bus bound for Nanxiong County, Deng Shirong was thinking about how to transplant ginkgo trees on the village road. A more reliable way was to hire a bus to transport the trees back to the village one by one. He could transplant them in the next county or Hire a car not far from Shuangwang.

This is reliable, but it is too troublesome.

The easiest way is to directly use the system space ability to plant all the trees.

But there is another problem, how to hide it from the clan members?

Deng Shirong thought about it, and finally he came up with a way, that is, to find a way to transfer the clan members to the Naye Deng Community in the county seat. He only needed the clan members to stay there for a few days, and then he could do this. .

Of course, it is definitely not realistic to plant hundreds of ginkgo trees at once, but it should be no problem to plant hundreds or dozens of ginkgo trees at once.

So, what excuse should be used to transfer all the clan members to the Naye Deng Community in the county seat?

The first thought that came to Deng Shirong's mind was that of a mooncake factory that was already under construction. When the mooncake factory was completed and put into operation, it would be almost the Mid-Autumn Festival. Then he could hold a Mid-Autumn Festival party and let the tribesmen come to the county town together. Went to Mid-Autumn Festival.

Just when Deng Shirong was thinking about each plan, a rough voice in the car suddenly shouted: "Robbery, don't move, and hand over all the money you have to me. If anyone dares to play tricks, I will blast him with a gun." head."

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