Great Medicine Without Borders

Chapter 299 Back View

Xu Chunliang said: "Zichun, we are not here to arrest her, we want to help her. Have you ever thought about whether your father would be sad if you were taken away? The same goes for this little brother. .”

Huang Zichun said: "My grandma is not a bad don't know what to do..."

Hua Zhuyue said: "Zichun, let us help you, okay?" She felt a little depressed, why did brother Xu Chunliang call me aunt? Do I look so big?

Xu Chunliang said: "As long as you help me find this little brother, I can guarantee to cure your father's disease, and I will also help your grandma treat the disease." He had already seen Huang Jiucheng's condition and was convinced that Huang Jiucheng could be cured. That's why he said this .

Huang Zichun said with tears: "I really don't know about this little brother, nor where he is."

"Where is grandma? Is there any way to contact grandma?"

Huang Zichun hesitated, while Xu Chunliang waited patiently, seeing that the little girl was having a fierce struggle in her heart at this moment.

Huang Zichun said: "You guys wait..."

She returned to the room and soon took out a children's mobile phone: "She gave me a number and asked me not to call her."

Xu Chunliang encouraged: "Call your grandma and save that little brother."

Huang Zichun finally made up her mind. She kept the number in her heart. When her grandma left, she once told her that she had to do something very important and asked her not to make this call easily, but she still did. Little child Her heart is kind, and Xu Chunliang gave her hope of curing her father.

After the call was connected, Huang Zichun called grandma into the phone.

After a while, someone over there responded: "Chunchun, what's going on?" Her tone could be heard to be very nervous.

Hua Zhuyue motioned for her to hand over the phone to her, and she walked away. She didn't want the children to hear the rest of the conversation.

"Sir Po Huang, I am Hua Zhuyue!"

The other end of the phone fell into silence for an instant. Hua Zhuyue heard Huang Sipo's heavy breathing and knew that she was listening. She turned to Huang Zichun in the distance and smiled, and then said: "One and two such simple accounts You should figure it out clearly.”

Of course, Fourth Po Huang calculated clearly. She understood that the other party had found her son and granddaughter through Hua Zhuyue. Hua Zhuyue was threatening her. Which was more important, two lives or one life.

Fourth Po Huang responded to Hua Zhuyue with silence, but she did not dare to hang up the phone because even a fool could settle the account.

Hua Zhuyue said: "I don't know if you planned this kidnapping, and I don't know how much of the inside story you know. You'd better listen carefully now..." She briefly told Sipo Huang about the cause of the kidnapping. .

There were many things that Huang Sipo didn't know. She thought that the kidnapping was just for money. She didn't know that there were so many things behind it. Her son had a strange disease, and she herself was diagnosed with lung cancer not long ago.

Huang Sipo has never thought about medical treatment, and she has no money for medical treatment. Her son's illness has exhausted her little savings, and there is no hope of cure. She just wants to die before she dies. To earn more money for her granddaughter, she participated in this kidnapping. She was paid 200,000 in advance, and she put the 200,000 on her son's card and left it to her granddaughter.

They also promised to give her another 800,000 yuan after the project was completed. With this one million yuan, she could at least ensure that her granddaughter would grow up.

Huang Sipo believes that she doesn't have long to live. She will try her best to do more for her granddaughter in her lifetime, even taking risks.

She never thought about harming the child's life. This was one of the conditions for her to join this operation. If Hua Zhuyue hadn't told her, she wouldn't have known that the little boy's grandfather was also a rich man and was willing to spend money. Thirty million in cash in exchange for this child's safety.

In fact, Sipo Huang doesn't care how much she can earn in the end, she just wants to get her own one million.

Hua Zhuyue said: "As long as you keep that child safe, I will take care of your granddaughter. I will be responsible for finding someone to treat your son's illness."

Huang Sipo still said nothing.

Hua Zhuyue said: "You should know me. I always keep my word, and if the child has any shortcomings, you will not let him die."

Huang Sipo said: "I don't care!" After she said that, she hung up the phone.

Hua Zhuyue returned to Xu Chunliang and handed the phone to Huang Zichun.

"What did my grandma say?"

Hua Zhuyue said: "She didn't say anything." Huang Sipo said she didn't care, but it was impossible for her not to care. Since she was willing to take risks for the sake of her children and grandchildren, she would not leave their safety unattended.

Huang Zichun called again, but the call couldn't be reached.

Behind Huang Zichun's back, Hua Zhuyue told Xu Chunliang the content of the call between herself and Huang Sipo. Xu Chunliang agreed with Hua Zhuyue's approach. Huang Sipo must be made to surrender, and only by making her fear from the bottom of her heart can Tong Nianzu be guaranteed. safety.

Tong Guangsheng was so anxious that Wang Jinwu finally arrived at the stipulated time. There were constant traffic jams along the way, and Tong Guangsheng regretted so much that he wished he could rent a helicopter to fly over.

The 30 million cash was divided into 20 boxes for storage. Each box was close to 50 kilograms and contained 1.5 million. Tong Guangsheng had already mobilized all available funds. Fortunately, Xu Chunliang helped him. As long as his grandson could return safely, let alone Thirty million, so what if it’s 300 million?

At 7:30 in the evening, the gangsters contacted Shu Yuanhang and learned that they had prepared all the cash. Then they told them the location of the transaction and asked them to rush to the Yangtze River Convention and Exhibition Center within half an hour. They still gave them a warning. They were not allowed to call the police, and no one else was allowed to come except Tong Guangsheng's family and one driver.

Tong Guangsheng said that he would agree to all their conditions, as long as they ensure that his grandson is safe.

The other party asked for their vehicle model and license plate number.

After ending the call, Tong Guangsheng asked everyone to get in the car as soon as possible. He and his son and daughter-in-law got into the Mercedes-Benz business car filled with cash boxes, and the others got into the other two cars, one under the charge of Zhan Aihua and the other under the control of Wang Jinwu , go to the trading location separately.

Both Tong Guangsheng and Zhan Aihua have experienced wars of blood and fire, and they are both outstanding fighting heroes. In addition, Song Jianshe, who has retired from the police system, still has some experience in dealing with this situation.

Song Jianshe believes that it is impossible for the kidnappers to trade in the convention and exhibition center, and most likely should be at the nearby dock, because the kidnappers must consider their escape route. He still believed that Tong Guangsheng should call the police. It would be difficult to catch the kidnappers with their current strength alone.

Tong Guangsheng said he would call the police, but not now. If he called the police too early, he would only alert the enemy. He only has one precious grandson and must not take any risks.

After hanging up the phone, Tong Guangsheng breathed a sigh of relief. After half a day of dispatching, he was exhausted mentally and physically. If he hadn't been supported by his strong will, he would have collapsed long ago.

Shu Yuanhang, who was sitting opposite, saw everything. He reached out and patted his father's knee gently: "Are you okay?"

"What's the matter? When I fought in Zheyin Mountain, it was much harder than this." Tong Guangsheng remained calm on the surface. He couldn't panic. Now he is the backbone of everyone. If he panics, then others will be more worried. Don't know what to do. He couldn't fall down, he had to witness his grandson's safe return.

Daughter-in-law Ruan Xingmei reminded her with red eyes: "Dad, it's time for you to take medicine."

Tong Guangsheng shook his head and said: "I won't eat it." If his precious grandson has any shortcomings today, his life will be meaningless.

Shu Yuanhang said: "You must listen to the doctor's words." He took the medicine and handed it to his father.

Tong Guangsheng pursed his lips. He didn't have to listen to the doctor or his daughter-in-law, but he had to listen to his son. He took the handful of medicine and drank it. Then he took the water glass from his son's hand and took a sip of water. It's full of bitterness.

Just after taking the medicine, the kidnapper called again and asked them to stop at the Youth Bridge ahead.

Tong Guangsheng asked driver Xiao Liu to park under Qingnian Bridge. This was not a normal parking area. Xiao Liu stopped the car.

According to the kidnapper's request, Tong Guangsheng climbed onto the overpass carrying a box of money as a deposit. He had no choice but to comply and struggled to climb over the guardrail with a box of money. When passing through the slow lane, he was almost hit by a speeding electric car. .

The electric car owner viciously cursed him for not having eyes. Tong Guangsheng had no time to care about such people. He stumbled up the overpass carrying the box. Halfway through the climb, he almost lost all his strength. He put the box on the ground, took a breath, and continued. Climb up.

Shu Yuanhang sat in the car, looking at his father's trembling back and staggering steps, his eye circles were red, his nose was sore, and he almost shed tears. Only then did he feel the true meaning of father's love like a mountain.

Tong Guangsheng carried the box to the overpass. The kidnapper asked him to continue forward and reached the opposite lane. At this time, a blue truck slowly passed by below. The kidnapper told him to throw the box down.

Tong Guangsheng did not hesitate and threw the box containing 1.5 million in cash from the overpass.

There were many empty cartons in the trailer of the truck as a buffer, and the cash box fell into them. The passenger truck quickly drove away into the distance and merged into the traffic flow.

Tong Guangsheng ran back to his car out of breath and continued to set off according to the kidnapper's instructions.

Ruan Xingmei handed Tong Guangsheng a towel. Tong Guangsheng said out of breath while wiping his sweat: "Hurry to the convention and exhibition center. They ask us to get there in twenty minutes."

At this time, his cell phone rang again, this time it was Xu Chunliang calling.

Tong Guangsheng asked: "Xiao Xu...what's the matter?"

Xu Chunliang told Tong Guangsheng that he had found some clues that the child might be hidden in Paolou Mountain.

Tong Guangsheng was stunned for a moment after hearing this. Now they were on their way to the transaction. He asked his son Shu Yuanhang to search for the location. Paolou Mountain is located in the south of Nanjiang City, close to Nanjiang Airport, but the transaction location they agreed on is in the north of Nanjiang City, near the river. There is a difference of dozens of kilometers between the south and the north.

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