The Camorra Mountains are densely covered with trees. The glow of dusk shines on the mountain, and the red and green colors mix. A gust of wind blew by, causing waves to rise in the sea of ​​trees. The sound was like waves, coming from far to near, and from near to far. The waves covered up the chirping of birds.


Halfway up the mountain, a series of violent explosions sounded.

Visible to the naked eye, mud and dust surged into the sky. It wasn't until they reached a height of more than ten meters that they fell into the forest.

Half way to the top of the mountain, a steep slope suddenly collapsed, as if it had been chewed.

"What's wrong? Is it thundering?!"

"It seems to be on the other side of the mountain..."

In a village a few miles away at the foot of the mountain, some villagers also heard the sound echoing in the sky and stopped to look into the distance.

A minute later, dirt and stone covered the ruins.

The air was filled with the unpleasant burnt smell after the explosion, and the surrounding trees fell down one after another, and some were directly broken.

Nearly seven or eight acres of ground were swept away by the explosion and collapse.

At the edge of the explosion range, several broken corpses fell to the ground or hung on trees. The rags and clothes with obvious burn marks were torn, and the soil was slightly black mixed with blood.

There was silence all around, even the common bird calls in the mountains and forests were gone. All the wild birds were scared away by the explosion.!

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the soil.

Two minutes later.

"Cough cough cough... cough cough cough..."

Ka Xiu knelt on the ground, his hands hanging down, and his hair was full of dirt. He was panting heavily, his chest rising and falling.

He was not crushed to death by the collapse of the ruins, but almost suffocated to death. The passage collapsed, and large areas of the ruins were buried under soil. Fortunately for him, a small space was formed in the corner to hide, and he dug in the soil with all his strength before rushing up.

In addition, Kaxiu has to thank his body for its excellent endurance and physical strength. Six months of hard training has finally paid off.

The sky is hazy yellow, and the ground is faintly red.

Ka Xiu stood beside a big tree, looking down at the body on the ground. He knelt down and picked up a badge next to him.

This is a shield-shaped pure white badge, with a circle of light golden rice ears on the edge, and a black cross sword in the middle. The tip of the sword was inserted into the head of the devil with horns.

On the back, a series of tiny letters are neatly arranged.

"Hunter?" Ka Xiu lowered his head and read out these two words.

Putting the badge back in place, he glanced at the pistol held tightly in the corpse's hand from a squatting position. It was a large-caliber firearm as black as ink. The edges were not streamlined, but very thick and angular. Almost as long as half a forearm.

On the right side of the gun are several floral silver letters.


"This is an organization, either the Phantom or the group of people who planted the bomb." Card Xiu frowned and stood up. Things have become confusing. This government-led archaeological project seems to be far more than simple and ordinary as it seems.

Moying, Huolu Antique Company, and even Fengnan City Government were all considered by Kaxiu, and a lot of questions filled his mind.

"No matter, let's leave here first." He glanced around, feeling a sense of horror in his heart. Staying here, there is no guarantee of safety.

Ka Xiu turned and left.

Half an hour later, the ground mixed with dirt and rocks suddenly cracked, and a twisted human figure crawled out from it.

"Just a little bit, just a little bit."

The human form changed rapidly, and finally turned into a strong adult male body. Everything was normal, except for the shadow that was constantly crawling on the ground, like a living thing, which was scary.

The man stayed there for a while and was about to leave.

"Huh?" He stopped and looked underground.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Another companion is about to appear...high praise..."

June 4, 156 AD, Hongli Federation, wind and light rain.

Fengnan City, North District Cemetery, a large funeral is being held here, and a total of seven coffins are to be placed in the cemetery.

The sky is gloomy today, with gray-white clouds covering the entire field of vision. There was no sun in sight, it was all gray. It was like wiping the sky with a dirty rag that had been wiped with dust.

The road to the North District Cemetery is muddy, with occasional back and forth ruts. There are a few scattered trees around the road.

In the distance is a large green cemetery with gray tombstones erected, which are the last traces of the deceased left in the world.

In the center of the cemetery, a small steeple church was singing hymns. The church has gray walls and a red roof, and the drainage surface made of tiles is wet.


The church bells rang far above the cemetery.

Prayers, crosses, sprinkling of holy water, after the whole process is completed. The seven coffins were placed in their own graves respectively. The relatives shed tears and comforted each other.

After a while, white flowers were placed in front of each tombstone. The pastor, holding a scripture in his hand, was praying slowly with his head down.

At the very edge of the seven coffins, there were only two people standing alone in front of this tombstone. One was a priest and the other was an old man with gray hair and a cane. The atmosphere was very silent.

The old man looked at the tombstone three meters away and it read.

"Cathie Carnegie."

"Born in 131 and died in 156."

The priest continued to recite the scriptures with a low voice: "Our Father in heaven, may your name be hallowed, and may your kingdom come. May your Sacred Heart be as good as in heaven and bless the earth."

"Ka Xiu...cough cough cough..."

The gray-haired old man coughed a few times.

In the distance, behind the church walls. A figure wearing a thick black coat and a black wide-brimmed hat looked past in the distance.

"I was actually watching my own funeral..."

Kashu muttered to himself. His eyes followed the rickety figure stumbling on the muddy road in the distance, and he clenched his teeth unconsciously. In the distance, an old man on crutches suddenly slipped and fell to the ground. Ka Xiu wanted to rush forward, but held back.

After a while, someone came around to help. Several people moved forward, and their figures finally disappeared from Ka Xiu's sight.

"Damn it!" He punched the wall in a venting manner and cursed. Ka Xiu wanted to show up and tell the old dean that he was not dead and that he didn’t need to be sad for himself to affect his body and mood.

However, this matter is too confusing.

Strange archaeological events, the sudden betrayal of Huolu Antique Company, the battle and explosion between two unknown organizations, and the Fengnan City Government carrying out a funeral at the speed of light. This is all too fishy.

Ka Xiu didn't dare to show up until everything was sorted out. He was afraid that this matter would involve the old dean. Now that everyone thinks that they have been killed, let's just let Cassius Carnegie die.

Ka Xiu lowered the brim of his hat, turned around and left in silence.

From today on, my name is Levi...

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