Moria the Pirate

Chapter 269 Luffy enters the

"worn out!"

"Finally I can rest. Read М"

After finishing their work all morning, the prisoners under the custody of the Moria Pirates walked towards the cafeteria together in twos and threes.


"Meat, I want to eat meat!"

As a professional cook, Luffy is naturally the most active when eating.

"Quick, quick~"

"Bring the meat!"

Luffy threw the work certificate in his hand directly on the table and shouted.

Even the rich Moria would not treat these prisoners with good food and drink.

If you want to eat, you must complete the corresponding work, otherwise, you will wait to starve to death!

Of course, there is still a little benefit here in Moria. In addition to rice balls and other food that can only fill your stomach, you can also eat meat in this place of suffering.

However, if you want to eat meat, you have to work twice as hard.

As for Luffy, there is no doubt that his resistance to meat is almost zero.

So, as soon as he came here, Luffy went straight for the meat. However, meat is not that simple to eat.

After all, if the prisoners are overfed and cause chaos, the gains will outweigh the losses.

When Luffy first came here, he was hungry for several days.

But as time went by, Luffy gradually adapted.

Now, Luffy can already eat meat here.

“Delicious, so delicious!”

A large plate of meat disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"But, it's still too little."

After throwing the last piece of meat into his mouth, Luffy couldn't help but complain.


"very hungry!"

Listening to the protest from my stomach, no matter how clean I licked the plate, it was of no avail.


"When you're done eating, hurry up and work for me!"

shouted the overseer, waving his whip and holding the drumstick.


"very hungry!"

"I'm not full yet!"

Luffy sat slumped in his seat and complained weakly.

"Ah, meat!"

His right hand stretched out all of a sudden and snatched the chicken leg from the overseer's hand.



In the blink of an eye, Luffy only had one bone left in his hand.

"Damn it!"

"Do you want to rebel?"

The long whip in his hand was whipped towards Luffy.

“So much meat!”

Luffy jumped, dodged the whip, and ran in the other direction.

Because, Luffy saw the chef coming out with basins of meat.

It was obvious that this was food for the overseers.

However, Luffy, who was already fainting from hunger, couldn't care so much.

"Ah! What are you doing!"

"Quick, catch him!"


Luffy suddenly appeared and caused chaos in the cafeteria.

While avoiding the overseer's attack, he accurately delivered the food to his mouth.

After clearing away the food, Luffy was not satisfied and ran directly into the kitchen of the cafeteria.

Facing the food, there was another burst of eating and drinking.

"Quick, go call the zombie captains over!"

The supervisors at the labor camp, unable to do anything to Luffy, began to call for support.

As for the workers nearby, they watched Luffy show off his power from a distance, and had no intention of taking the opportunity to cause trouble. Some of them were even ready to help the supervisor catch Luffy in order to reduce their own punishment.

After all, this is just a labor camp, and people still have the opportunity to go out. The difference is just the length of time.

"This boy is really a fine wine if you don't eat the toast!"

"I'm afraid I'll be sent to the devil's path!"

"It's so pitiful~"


Everyone looked at Luffy with pity.

Poor child, he still doesn’t know what he is about to face!


"I'm full and I'm strong."

After consuming the last plate of food, Luffy patted his belly and smiled happily.

"Okay, now I'm going to find Nami and the others!"

Looking at the overseers who had been defeated by him, Luffy said with a relaxed expression.

However, as soon as Luffy left the cafeteria, he was surrounded by zombies.

In this labor camp, the real guards are not those few dispensable guards, but a large number of zombie troops.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve had such an interesting newcomer!”

"Let's all take him back to Devil's Road and have some fun."


Looking at Luffy coming out, all the zombies looked at Luffy with excitement.

Since the end of the Moria Pirates' big training, these zombie instructors have been bored for a long time.

Now, finally there is a new prey.

"Oh, so awesome!"

"It's actually a zombie!"

Luffy, who had never seen a zombie before, saw such a large group of zombies standing in front of him. He couldn't help but look at them from both sides, and looked at them from the left and touched them from the right.

"But I still have to find my partner!"

"I don't have time to play with you!"

"Rubber Machine Gun"

Luffy immediately launched an attack, trying to break out.

"Hey hey hey~"

"I just like my Xue Dao, I am such an energetic young man!"

Among the zombies, a zombie walked out with two swords in his hands and also attacked Luffy.

There was no suspense about the outcome of the battle. Luffy was defeated and was led to the Devil's Road by a group of zombies.


"It's so scary, this is the devil zombie!"

The overseers who were defeated by Luffy one by one waited for the zombies to go away, then slowly stood up from the ground and started chatting.

"Of course, the most terrifying thing among the pirate group is this group of demonic zombies."

"I'll tell you a secret, even the people on the law enforcement team are afraid of them."

"Even, once, I personally saw..."


"Captain Comor!"

Looking at the law enforcement team who had appeared behind him at an unknown moment, the guard who had just been preparing to reveal the dirty information instantly turned pale and broke out in cold sweat.

“There was turmoil in the labor camp, and the guards were not doing their best to supervise the situation.”

"The current punishment is that all supervisors in the labor camp must undergo three months of labor reform."


After hearing this punishment, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Isn’t it just three months of labor?

so far so good!

"Meanwhile, from now on, the labor camp is taken over by an army of zombies."


When they heard this, not only the supervisors, but also the reform-through-labor prisoners became furious.

"Captain Comor!"

"you can not do that!"

"I would rather accept the punishment from the law enforcement team."

Let the group of crazy zombies in Devil's Road take over, and you can imagine how bad the days ahead will be.

Those zombies are simply inhuman when it comes to torturing people.

No, they are not human in the first place.

"This decision was made at a meeting between the captain and all the officials."

"I don't have such great rights."

"As for the law enforcement team's work of punishing prisoners, it has also been assigned to the zombie army."

As soon as they heard this sentence, everyone's faces turned pale.

"How is this going?"

Someone still didn't give up and asked Captain Comer.

"I heard that some of the zombie army leaders are too busy."

"That's why I asked the captain to find something for them to do."

"Okay, work hard."

"The zombie army has arrived."

Comer finally used his own eyes to look at everyone, then quickly turned around and left.

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