Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 125 Recruitment and Star Destiny (Please subscribe)

When Meng Zhao came back with his face flushed and satisfied, Lu Le came up to meet him and leaned close to his ear.

"Master, his identity has been figured out for the time being. It is recorded on this piece of paper, but whether it is true or not still needs to be verified. I will do it now."

Meng Zhao took a piece of paper filled with densely written words from Lu Le and waved to him, telling him to get busy.

Then he entered the room and sat at the table to read carefully without looking at the young man who was still kneeling on the ground.

The young man's name is Han Pu. He is seventeen years old this year and is a native of Nan'an County. His father used to be an escort in a bodyguard agency. He has both martial arts skills and some rough internal skills and sword skills.

However, at the level of breathing and condensing energy, Han Pu died at the hands of the green forest robbers when he was six years old.

Han Pu's current family composition is also relatively simple, with a sick old mother, an eldest brother who is paralyzed in bed and can only move his upper body, and a younger sister who is only fifteen years old now.

Han Pu's eldest brother had practiced martial arts with his father in the early years. Later, in order to support his family, he joined a small gang in the city and did some debt collection and murder.

Later, during a gang fight, Han Pu's elder brother's spine was broken and his lower body was paralyzed. Han Pu, who was only thirteen years old at the time, stood up and took the initiative to join his elder brother's gang to continue to make some quick money and support his family.

The year before last, Sun Chuanxing of the Sun family was recruiting people. Han Pu felt that following the Sun family would have a better future and get more money, so he tried to join the Sun family and was hired because of his good performance.

In the past two years, he basically spent his time fighting, and because the Sun family still provided basic martial arts and resource supplies, his martial arts improved rapidly and made great progress.

Of course, now that he is in Meng Zhao's hands, the Sun family will definitely not be able to go back. They will either follow Meng Zhao or die in Meng Zhao's hands. There is no third way.

Meng Zhao was not in a hurry. After reading the information, he tapped his fingers on the table, closed his eyes and waited.

With Lu Le's ability and the Meng family's power, it won't take long to determine little Han Pu's background and identity.

After about a little more than a stick of incense, Lu Le returned to the room and said in front of Han Pu,

"Master, I have already gone to check. What Han Pu said is basically true. Moreover, I have sent people to control all his family members and hide them in our place so that no one will find them."

If Han Pu could still be calm and indifferent before, after hearing Lu Le's words, he was finally no longer indifferent. A pair of eyes that were completely different from his overall appearance flashed with a sharp cold light and glanced at Meng Zhao and Lu Le.

"The rules of the rivers and lakes are that no harm will come to the family. I'm already here, at your disposal. The family is full of old, weak, sick and disabled people. Why do you do this?"

Meng Zhao smiled, "Okay, okay," he was not afraid of this person's toughness, but he was afraid that he would be lonely and stubborn. He rushed to bury Sun Chuanxing with him, and said in a low voice,

"Don't worry, I'm not that despicable to deal with your family. I just want to ask you. Now that your master is dead, no one involved in last night is alive except you. In this case, the Sun family , can you still go back?"

Han Pu was silent. He would definitely not be able to go back to the Sun family. There were a hundred people who could not explain it clearly. In fact, once he was found to be alive, the first one to take his life, or even take the lives of his whole family, would be the Sun family.

After all, all the people who went to do things that night are dead. You are the only one alive. You are fine. You didn’t leak the news. You are not from the Meng family. Who would believe it?

You say that others deliberately designed to frame you. If you think about it carefully, you are just an acquired martial artist. Do they need to waste so much effort to punish you? What's the purpose?

Therefore, Meng Zhao spared his life. Regardless of whether he could be used as his own, Han Pu would not be able to return to the Sun family.

Seeing that Han Pu remained silent, Meng Zhao continued,

"I think it's just an ordinary employment relationship between you and the Sun family. They pay and you contribute, and that's it, right?"

Han Pu still said nothing, but still agreed with Meng Zhao's remarks.

He has indeed received a lot of care over the years in the Sun family, but he has also done a lot of things for the Sun family and made a lot of contributions. Even with a simple employment relationship, it is not the Sun family that sells his life, but the Sun family's money. .

"Okay, you won't answer both questions, but I already know your answer."

"Now, I will give you a chance to do things for me. Your family will be better taken care of in the future, and you don't have to worry about the rest of their lives. Those who are sick will be treated, and those who are not sick will be able to live a stable life.

You can also get better development opportunities yourself. I have no shortage of martial arts and cultivation resources. What do you think? "

After Meng Zhao laid the groundwork one after another, he finally got to the point.

Conquering Han Pu and letting him do things for him was his intention to save the other person's life.

"Why on earth do you want to use me?

After all, I am just a little acquired warrior, not even a master, so why bother with so much effort? "

This was also what Lu Le didn't understand. Meng Zhao treated him too much, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. He felt that his position as the young master's only confidant was in jeopardy, and he felt a little out of favor and jealous.

Meng Zhao sighed and tapped his right temple with his slender white fingers. After thinking carefully, he said,

"You find it strange, and I also find it strange. I always feel that your future is extraordinary and you will definitely be able to help me.

Maybe it was your martial arts performance that impressed me, or maybe it was your eyes that impressed me.

In short, I think you have a lot of potential in the future. It would be a pity if you died like that. "

Meng Zhao's words were actually not very convincing, but Han Pu nodded thoughtfully and said,

“This is somewhat similar to me, maybe it’s intuition.

The moment I met you, I also felt that your future was extraordinary and you would definitely be able to do something earth-shattering. "

Lu Le's eyes widened. Looking at Han Pu's serious look, he always felt that this boy was very clever in flattering him. He even directly linked up with the young master. For those who didn't know, he thought the two of them had a good connection.

At the same time, the sense of crisis in his heart strengthened again. If this boy established a foothold next to the young master, with his flattering skills, I am afraid that it would not be long before he would take over the position of the number one confidant around the young master.

Meng Zhao was thoughtful. Han Pu's words did not sound like flattery to him, but rather sincere.

Unconsciously, he thought of a rumor that when a crape myrtle is born, there will be a auxiliary star accompanying it to protect it.

These auxiliary stars most of the time are born near Ziwei.

Sometimes, although they are thousands of miles away from Ziwei's treasure body, most of them are attracted to it like a magnet, becoming Ziwei's subordinates and fighting for her in all directions.

Full of a sense of fate.

Liu Xiu, for example, directly gathered the body of twenty-eight stars, making the power of Ziwei so great that it dominated the world and was named the Emperor's Divine Body. This directly raised the upper limit of Ziwei's treasure body and was comparable to the supreme physique.

The Ziyuan dragon body he carries is derived from the Ziwei treasure body and an unknown dragon body, which is extremely rare.

But some of the characteristics of the Ziwei treasure body are definitely common to him.

For example, the rumor that the Ziwei treasure body is accompanied by auxiliary stars may be more applicable to him.

It's hard to say for Lu Le, maybe he is a auxiliary star, maybe he is not.

But this Han Pu is most likely the result of some kind of star destiny.

In other words, it is a kind of star body, but it is not innate and cannot be awakened, just like the crape myrtle treasure body.

All star bodies have this shortcoming. After innateness, comes the period of exertion.

But perhaps it is because of the special connection between star destiny and Ziwei’s uniqueness as the master of stars that Meng Zhao treats Han Pu so differently, and Han Pu also feels that Meng Zhao will have a future What an amazing act.

Of course, these others didn't know, it was just such a thought that flashed in Meng Zhao's mind.

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