Not a trainer this time

Chapter 193 Gratitude

After lunch, Naoki began to arrange specific tasks for the two caretakers.

Just as his sister Ai Kuanshi said, his brother Ai Kuanshi is good at housekeeping, taking care of the master's daily life, and organizing the house, so Naoki handed over the management of the entire house to him.

His younger sister, Aoi, is good at cooking and taking care of Pokémon, so Naoki gave it care of many Pokémon in the ranch.

Of course, this does not mean that Aiguansi will do everything, he will also work together.

The work content of my sister's love steward is divided into the following two items:

1. Feed the Pokémon in the ranch when he is not at the ranch.

2. Use its magical ability to sense emotions to take care of every Pokémon in the ranch, understand their needs and worries in a timely manner, and tell him these.

When Naoki told the two stewards about the work, the two stewards looked at each other, and then nodded.

It sounds pretty easy!

And this is their job.

Seeing the appearance of the two Pisces, Naoki immediately remembered the special features of Pokémon like Pisces.

It is different from Pokémon like Biker, which need meat to obtain energy.

The source of energy for Ai Guan Shi is a variety of positive emotions, such as happiness, gratitude, joy...

They use the horns on their heads to receive these emotions and convert them into their own energy.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that both domestic and wild Tamers will diligently take care of humans and Pokémon everywhere in order to seek happy moods such as joy and gratitude.

Speaking of taking care of him, Naoki suddenly remembered something.

He looked at the two carefree waiters and said, "By the way, I haven't introduced you to the Pokémon Tavern yet."


When I heard this word for the first time, my sister's face showed confusion.

The elder brother Ai Guanshi on the side was also a little puzzled. It looked at Naoki and waited silently for an answer.

"As the name suggests, it's a place for drinking and partying." As he said that, Naoki turned around and said, "Come on, I'll take you to see it!"

The group walked across the lawn and arrived at the old house that had been converted into a tavern.

Naoki opened the door and turned sideways so that the two caretakers could see clearly the layout inside.

"This is the pub, but it's not open yet." Seeing their blank looks, Naoki thought for a moment and asked, "Do you know about the cafe?"

The elder brother's carefree nodded: "Oh."

Naoki: "Pubs are similar to coffee shops. They are places for relaxing and gathering."

After he said this, the two Pokémon understood immediately.

"However, the tavern I opened is different from ordinary taverns." Naoki's tone was mysterious.

As expected, the brother and sister were attracted to his attention and turned to look over.

Naoki didn't lie: "My tavern does not entertain humans, only Pokémon guests."

"Aye?!" Upon hearing this, the two caretakers suddenly opened their eyes in disbelief.

Only catering to Pokémon... guests?

"That's right." Naoki explained the current situation of the tavern in detail.

After listening, my sister's eyes became brighter and brighter.

It loves this place!

So I waited until seven o'clock in the evening, when the pub opened.

After dinner, the two monsters wandered over to the tavern for a drink. They saw the boss standing behind the bar entertaining guests change from Naoki to a Pokémon they had never seen before.

My sister, who is a carefree waiter, happily welcomed the two guests: "Oh~"


Guai Li was confused and couldn't help but ask where Zhi Shu had gone.

My sister likes to take care of the waiter: "Oh!" (Naoki is doing housework with his brother! I will entertain you today!)

After hearing this, the two monsters breathed a sigh of relief. At first, they were a little worried that Zhi Shu would run away and this place would close down.

Seeing that Naoki was fine now, they ordered two glasses of tree juice as usual, sat on the chairs and started chatting.

After a while, Carnival Duck and Kati Dog also came.

When they saw the change of boss, they were as surprised as Guai Li.

The steward patiently explained to them, and then prepared two drinks according to their needs.

During this period, my sister, Ai Guanshi, discovered that the dog did not seem to like the sweet and sour tree juice. It thought about it and then served a cup of tree juice squeezed from cherry fruits.

The fruit of this tree has a spicy taste and is very popular with fire-type Pokémon.

Sure enough, the dog was surprised to find that it preferred cherry juice to ordinary tree juice!

"Woof woof!"

Finally finding a Kati dog that suited her taste, she excitedly expressed her gratitude to the caretaker.

"Oh~" A gentle smile appeared on my sister's face.

At the same time, in the room.

Naoki noticed his brother's careless look and said, "If you're worried, just go and take a look at it! Leave the rest of the clothes to me to sort out."

"Oh..." Brother Ai Guanshi was hesitant.

Before coming here, they were taught by their parents that they must be serious and not careless when working for their masters, so they have always been strict with themselves.

But this is the first time it has been separated from its sister...

The manipulative brother always feels a little worried when he thinks of his playful sister.

After all, it was a three-month-old Pokémon. Naoki smiled and waved to it:

"Relax, don't be so nervous, go and see it if you want. It's just in time to help me go to the tavern to see if I need any help."

The bossy brother nodded gratefully, then turned and went downstairs, taking advantage of the night and trotting all the way to the brightly lit tavern.

Its sister was standing behind the bar, safe and sound. Although she seemed to be still at work, her attention had completely flown to the Pokémon chatting.

The brother-in-charge servant breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked in calmly.

"Huh?" Seeing her brother coming over, my sister Guanshi was slightly startled, and then a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Love it!" it said, brother, I like it here!

My brother loves to take care of me. He has never seen his sister look so bright.

It was stunned, and then stepped forward to help its sister with her work.

Late at night, after seeing off all the Pokémon guests, his brother helped his sister put away the dishes and rinsed them with clean water.

My younger sister, the steward, took a broom and swept the floor of the tavern with brisk steps.

Tonight, the smile on his face had barely faded.

It seems to have found the meaning of life.

"Oh~" (Brother, this place is so nice, those Pokémon are thanking us~)

The elder brother cares about the waiter and doesn't reply: "Oh." (Mr. Naoki is a good man.)

The younger sister nodded and added: "Oh!" (She is the best human being in the world!)

At this time, a beam of light shone in from outside the door.

Naoki, who had been waiting for the two Pokémon for a long time, appeared outside the door with a flashlight.

"It's time to go back to bed!" Naoki was a little helpless. It was already almost twelve o'clock, far beyond the normal business hours.

My sister was a little embarrassed to care about the waiter: "Oh..."

It was chatting happily with the two strange forces and the Carnival Duck just now, and accidentally lost track of time.

The two Pokémon quickly finished cleaning the tavern, then carefully closed the door and followed Naoki happily back to their residence.

Naoki pointed to the refrigerator: "There is food and water in the refrigerator. If you are hungry or thirsty, you can get it yourself without asking me. Just treat this place as home."

"Oh~" my younger sister, Guanshi, nodded happily.

"Well, good night." Naoki watched them return to the room, then turned around and returned to the bedroom to rest.

As the lights in the bedroom went out, the entire ranch fell silent.

All that was left was the whispering of two nosy servants.

My sister was huddled on the little bed, with the events of today flashing through her mind, and she was so excited that she could hardly sleep.

The elder brother's caretaker was lying flat on the other bed, sleeping in a serious and upright posture. It had its eyes closed and seemed to be asleep.

But the younger sister knew that her brother was not asleep.

It said in a coquettish tone: "Oh~" (Brother, I am so happy today~)

My brother likes to take charge of the waiter: "I love it." (It's time to go to bed.)

My sister Ai Guanshi was very curious: "Ai eh?" (Aren't you happy?)

The elder brother opened his eyes and replied seriously: "...Aye." (Happily.)

Only then was the little sister Guanshi satisfied. It hugged the little stand-in dinosaur doll that Naoki had prepared for them on the bed, and murmured softly:

"Oh!" (I really want to live here forever!)

Hearing this, his brother Ai Tuanshi thought of the meow in the manor who was abandoned by the trainer because of his weakness.

It looked at the ceiling in the darkness.

Naoki...shouldn't abandon them, right?

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