After Wang Xinyi became a member of the Huxiao Home Appliances Alliance, he was running around outside every day.

There is no way, after all, this is a newly established department, which is similar to intrapreneurship.

Everything must be started from scratch.

Although it was starting over, Wang Xinyi's state of mind was completely different from before.

Before in Huamao Group, I always felt like I was being dependent on others.

But things are different now.

Although he is working for his son, this department was established by himself.

Including all employees, they are recruited by themselves.

In the process of running Xiangjiang Company, Wang Lie fully felt the changes in Pangu Technology's technological status.

In the first few days, the newspaper and TB TV station had not apologized.

He went to many foundries, all of which were OEMs for foreign brands.

Although they are OEMs, they are all very arrogant.

For those who don’t know, you might think that the TVs, refrigerators and washing machines they manufacture are all produced and developed by them.

Therefore, Wang Xinyi encountered many obstacles and encountered many sarcastic remarks.

But as soon as the newspaper and apology statement came out, Wang Xinyi was treated differently when he went to these foundries again.

Non-cooperation is non-cooperation.

But the attitude towards him is completely different.

Not only are they very polite, but they also invite you to have tea and so on.

He even tried to reason with him and gave him the reasons why he didn't cooperate.

Most people think that the people in Xiangjiang don’t recognize domestic brands at all.

Good things come from abroad.

Domestic is synonymous with garbage.

The reason why Zhongniu Computer is so popular is simply because it has opened up a new market.

If foreign countries had a brand in advance, Zhongniu Computer would not have sales at all.

Wang Xinyi traveled all over Hong Kong and visited all the factories.

All but one that needed consideration were rejected.

Wang Xinyi had a deep feeling.

Nowadays, the whole of Xiangjiang is really serious about flirting with foreigners.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

After all, Xiangjiang is still a colony, and the education they receive is colonial education.

Then it will naturally inculcate the idea of favoring foreigners.

Wang Xinyi found Wang Lie and told everything.

Although Wang Lie was surprised, after thinking about it carefully, it made sense.

"Dad, since we can’t handle Xiangjiang, why not go directly to the mainland?"

"I believe that the ideas of mainland factories are definitely different from those of these factories in Hong Kong."

"Nowadays, everything in the country is waiting for improvement. Many people are using their energy but lack the skills."

"You can definitely go to Yangcheng and have a look."

Wang Xinyi nodded. Now there is no other way but to go to the mainland.

"Okay, then I'll leave for the mainland right away."

Wang Lie gave Wang Xinyi the contact information of Quan Yufeng, the person in charge of Yangcheng.

"After arriving, you contact him directly so that efficiency can be maximized."

After all, Yangcheng is one of the first important cities to be developed.

Investors in Xiangjiang attach great importance to them.

And Pangu Technology is the most important one, if not the only one, among the companies introduced by Yangcheng.

At present, Yangcheng The first phase of the factory is almost completed.

The second phase is still in full swing.

Yangcheng University has also opened the first computer major in the country, with the purpose of cultivating some talents for Pangu Technology. Of course, some investments have been made, such as computer science teachers, foreign professors invited by their company, to teach students.

Even Pangu Technology’s internal technology will be used to teach students.

Of course, this is just a temporary measure. That's it.

After the computer courses are on track, Wang Lie will be handed over to Yangcheng University.

With a series of preparations, Wang Xinyi, Wang Lie's father, was immediately impressed by Quan Yufeng after arriving in Yangcheng. Before coming

, Wang Xinyi told Quan Yufeng that his purpose was to use advanced technology to support a group of TV, refrigerator, and washing machine manufacturers so that the products produced by these manufacturers could reach world-class standards. standards.

At the same time, there are many factories in the world, and what they lack most is technology.

So Quan Yufeng was overjoyed when he heard that Wang Xinyi could actually produce it. World-class electrical appliances are also a great achievement for Quan Yufeng, so after Wang Xinyi arrived, Quan Yufeng immediately introduced him to the three largest factories in Yangcheng.

·· ········Asking for flowers· ········

·· ········Asking for flowers· ········

It's what makes TVs, refrigerators and washing machines.

Wang Xinyi did not expect that things would progress so smoothly.

But when he went to inspect the factory below, he found that things were not what he imagined.

Although the factory is large, many of the machines are very old.

Many technicians in the factory have seen the technology Wang Lie presented.

While marveling at the superb technology, I sighed helplessly.

Because their machines are so old that they simply cannot make such precise parts.

And the TV screen, they can't make it that good either.

There is a kind of lament that it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

Wang Xinyi found that in the mainland, although everyone was very motivated, it was difficult to achieve due to poor equipment and poor technology.

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In desperation, he had to turn to Wang Lie for help.

After Wang Lie got the news, he thought for a moment.

Just thinking about writing out the technology of TVs, refrigerators and washing machines, how to use old equipment to create new production lines���But forgot to do it.

So after learning about the equipment in the mainland, and combining it with the equipment that could be sold to the Dragon Kingdom without embargo from abroad, he came up with a complete set of proposals.

In the proposal, the areas that need improvement are written in detail, as well as the parts to be purchased, etc.

When Wang Xinyi received this proposal and handed it to the technical representatives of these factories, everyone was dumbfounded.

They asked one after another:"Mr. Wang, who wrote your proposal?"

"This is too awesome, right?"

"Yes, you have this proposal, why don't you build a factory yourself instead of looking for cooperation with us?"

It's normal for them to have such doubts.

Because Wang Lie's proposal is equivalent to a guidance proposal for building a factory.

It is still possible to build a first-class factory.

Wang Xinyi did not expect that his son just wrote a proposal The book was actually able to represent these technologies and was immediately mesmerized.

"We at Pangu Technology are currently focusing all our energy on computers and other aspects."

"At the same time, we also want to build a group of allies"

"There are so many industries, and it is impossible for Pangu Technology to cover all industries."Er.

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