Rise of Rurik

Chapter 666 The Servant's Voting Certificate

"Rise of Rurik ()"!

Telavis felt that he would persuade them until the afternoon, apparently out of fear of the terrifying power of the Rus, the female leader of Vips announced his surrender.

Those who hid did not go far. Seeing that the grandmother called for everyone to come out, the clansmen also walked out of the hiding place.

On the other hand, the longships of the Ross Squadron also began to land.

Telavis greeted the conquistador just off the coast.

Arik was very surprised that this kid actually persuaded the Veps with just one mouth, and really won their surrender without relying on war.

Arik, whose head is relatively rigid, is surprised, but this is a fact.

He ordered his subordinates to refrain from looting unless they refused to pay tribute.

The development of things was completely unexpected. Five hundred extremely strong Ross warriors set foot on the Kaiji Salmi of the Veps, and the women of Veps were actually excited!

They do not have a clear marriage relationship, and the children born by women are the children of the entire tribe. Their lives are actually a bit chaotic, but women are always giving birth frequently, and they are also facing an alarming rate of infant mortality.

Seeing a group of sturdy blond youths jumping off the huge ship, they are so sturdy, and the children born from the fusion of their bones and blood can also successfully escape the persecution of the god of death.

Arik didn't expect this kind of thing, and the Vips women's actions were clearly begging her subordinates to have a relationship with them. This kind of thing is really familiar to him. The same thing has already happened in the Kowen community, so much so that in the castle of Elon Orava in the Duchy of Ross, the women of the Iron Squirrel Tribe are already holding a group of women who don't know who their father is. tawny-haired mulatto child.

This was the acquiescence of the leader Kartenika, and even her granddaughter was brought out, and the shy girl was stuffed by her grandmother to Terravis herself.

The girl Hayasta, whose name is "Fragrant Breath", is just young enough to be a mother. Even so, she stuck to Telavis and kept saying that it was her man.

How can Telavis, who is like a newly grown bull, hold on to it? When he held this reasonable girl under the soft deerskin cushion, he didn't know what to do, and he really liked this girl who took the initiative, even though he knew the other party's purpose.

At night, Arik only felt that this peculiar Kaiji Salmi was full of inexhaustible absurdity and beauty!

Soldiers can gorge on roasted reindeer meat,

Can have a relationship with a group of women. The young warriors were not picky, and many even did the same thing at Elrond with the Corvins, and it was said that the new Vips and Corvins were one family, at least in this respect.

The two sides have their own needs, so to use a knife to this group of such submissive guys is pure brain damage.

Arik has his own principles. He turned away all women's approach, that is, he personally had a deep understanding of the situation with Kartenika, the female leader of Veps, in the tent.

Teravius, who had finished his work, let the girl Hayasta lie on his lap, he acted as an interpreter, and he was extremely hopeful to hear the news that the Karelians believed more.

The female leader faced it calmly. She saw and confirmed with her own eyes that the entire Vips tribe had no resistance in the face of the Ross army. She had already chosen to join her family to the Principality of Ross, and she began to talk a little and introduce everything in detail. The case of the Karelians...

The female leader was rather nagging, and because of the language that could not interact very smoothly, Telavis tried his best to extract key information from it, but he also got amazing news.

If the "Karelian Bear Altar" revealed by the captives at the beginning may have been fabricated and perfunctory, the female leader will describe it again, and it will be confirmed.

"Bear altar? Do they actually worship bears?" Arik asked about Tyravis.

"They hunted bears for sacrifice. I'm afraid that place is not a village, but a simple altar."

altar? Arik took it for granted that the stone boat altar in Roseburg's hometown was indeed a holy place, but if there were no important festivals, no one would visit it.

Arik followed his own train of thought to speculate.

Telavis shook his head: "Absolutely not. She mentioned a lot of tents, where there will be a lot of people trading. That's the area by the lake. If...we launch an attack, it may be unexpected."

When Telavis proposed a sneak attack, he hesitated for a moment, but when he explained it, it really aroused Arik's strong interest.

"Sneak attack? Exactly what I want. It's absurd that a group of weak people call themselves brave bear hunters in the camp by the lake. You keep asking, I want to know the details of Karelia!"

With Arik's urging, Telavis had to keep asking.

The female leader did not dare to offend this group of madmen who were covered in iron (referring to chainmail). In her eyes, even if these iron men were not the messengers of God, they were noble and irresistible existences.

They are strong, but they are all men.

My side is weak, but there are many women.

The Veps women curry favor with these Rus conquerors in their own way, and the tribe continues to bet on their fate that the Rus will not suddenly turn their backs.

Based on this idea, the female leader mentioned one thing in particular: "When the ends of the grass begin to turn yellow, when the lake wind cools down, and when the newborn deer begin to graze, the Karelian messengers will arrive. ."

When Terravis first translated these words, he was full of doubts. After thinking about it again, wouldn't it be early autumn when these three conditions could be met?

Autumn is almost here!

The Karelian messenger will come to collect twenty deer, and will ask the Vips to hand over a beautiful maiden to the Karelian chief as a slave.

The female leader had a hoarse voice and spoke in a calm tone.

Telavis shuddered when he heard it. At this moment, the young girl Hayasta was still clinging to her side, but it was her who would be bound by her hands and leave with the Karelian messenger one year...

Hearing this information, he looked at the woman beside him again, and suddenly a strong desire to protect swept his head.

I saved her. I have possessed her, she must be my woman!

Thinking rationally, Telavis increasingly felt that this was the old leader's plan. A surprising number of tribal women had relations with the Ross conquerors. The old leader clearly condoned all women to do what they could with them, perhaps hoping to get stronger by getting stronger. The lineage of warriors thus produces more healthy children, or it's all another way of saving lives.

It was at this moment that the girl in her arms also said calmly, "You will protect me."

"Protect you. I will protect you."

What they said Arik basically couldn't understand, and when he asked impatiently, he immediately came up with a coup.

The young and promising warrior cheered up: "Taravis, I don't care how many deer those messengers come here to collect or how many women they grab. I'm just afraid that this woman already has your cub in her stomach, you I don't want her to be captured. But I tell you, only Rus people in this world collect tribute from others. If you dare to collect tribute on Rus' territory, the Karelians will die!"

Indeed, the Rus Principality is under a major threat due to the New Rose Fort, and the only way to actively attack the Karelian territory is to be blameless in this basically unethical northern Europe. However, in order for the warriors to break out with powerful combat effectiveness, it is best to use some means to arouse the anger of the soldiers. Once their rage combat effectiveness often reaches its peak, they will not be afraid of the terrifying killings they are involved in.

Help the bullied minion Suomi attack Karelia, which may make the warriors dare to fight in anger.

Now, Arik just wants to tell his brothers that there is a group of guys who are not afraid of death rushing to collect the tribute from Ross's servants. They really deserve to die!

This place is very strange, it is obviously quite a barbaric place, men and women are short in stature, and the level of force is extremely weak.

But this is also a peculiar holy place. Any Rus warrior shows off his white chest. The muscle texture and flowing golden chest hair can easily attract local women to come and take off their fur robes.

It is already the third day that the squadron has been docked here. Arik has already learned some extremely crucial news from the female leader. When he decided to gather some of the overly casual brothers, he keenly noticed that some of them had become sluggish. .

The first flag team assembled to the sound of fart drums, each centurion assembled his subordinates, and they formed a square matrix in front of all the Vips.

They were dressed exactly the same, with blue striped robes on white over their mail, and their weapons and helmets glowed blue.

This time Arik was clearly showing his strength to the Veps. As for some of the brothers who were languishing, he really didn't want to say anything more.

The cool lake wind blows into this lakeside fjord, and the wind from Lake Ladoga blows all the way to Lake Wursi.

Arik felt a tinge of coolness, since the so-called "Karelian messengers" had not yet arrived, and those people should have arrived after a while.

He assembled a large army and stood on some wooden platforms to go to school and give orders.

"Now to tell you an outrageous thing! These Veps are already our servants, and I see that you are all very close to their women. Rest assured, I grant you this."

Speaking of this, the tense nerves of the soldiers who were suddenly nervous were instantly relieved.

Arik continued to yell: "I'm so angry! This is the territory of our Ross Principality, and the Veps are all our servants! You know the meaning of servants and the meaning of territory."

He deliberately paused to catch the eyes of the public: "However, the Karelians sent messengers to enter our newly conquered territories without authorization, forcing our servants to pay tribute to them. Take the woman you have loved. Go! Do you promise?!"

A lot of emphasis has been made before, all for the final turning point.

At first everyone was a little confused, but as some people started to react, anger began to occupy their minds.

"Do you agree?" Arik continued to yell.

"No!" Someone finally vented back furiously.

"Then do it! Let's ambush them. Then..."

Arik laughed out loud in public, and even turned into an arrogant laugh. He was excited and ecstatic, and when he calmed down a little, he shouted loudly: "I also learned that the Karelians have a city, where there are a lot of reindeer, a lot of leather, and a lot of women. Don't think about robbing them. No matter how many silver coins they have, these guys don't have any silver coins. The most they have is leather, and what we grab is leather!

The duke did not forbid us to fight them, only to be careful. Is it suitable for you?

A few years ago, I took you to Gotland for the first time, and we won. This time we have an even bigger win, and we'll be back with a lot of leather to ship to New Roseburg and we'll all be rich! "

People started shouting, banging shields with the backs of axe hilts and swords, and their emotions ran high when they mentioned killing the enemy.

They did not expect to grab silver from the Karelians, but leather is also a substitute for currency, and the Rus tribe has been relying on leather processing since ancient times, and no one values ​​leather more than them.

Arik's speech is not a complete picture, some of the things described are a fact.

The First Flag Team of the Rus Army announced that it would attack Karelia for the first time, targeting the so-called "Bear Altar". They want to do this, and they have to wait for the rabbit to kill the Karelian messenger.

Until she fully understood the intentions of the Rus, the female leader of Veps, Kartenika, deeply felt the most penetrating fear she could feel in her life.

Because Aric, the leader of the Rus conquerors, has decided that the Veps must prove that they are sincere servants. There are three things that must be accomplished. If one is not completed, the Rus can go crazy.

First: The Veps must send a group of guides to lead the Rus army to the Bear Altar.

Second: You must be armed and cooperate with the Rus army to intercept the Karelian messenger as a vote.

Third: The female leader Kartenika must personally go to New Roseburg to meet the Duke of Ross himself, and then confirm the many contracts between the servant and the monarch.

The Veps can only organize a team of more than 100 men. They are generally short and fat, and the short fat is also an illusion. These people are not strong when they remove their thick leather caps. They could only use flint, antlers, and natural volcanic glass to make spearheads, oak and hemp ropes for bows, and wooden rod bones and feathers for swords.

This is their armament. When the "soldiers" assembled, Arik could only secretly have a headache looking at these guys.

Of course Arik looked down on these guys, but he had already recognized his status as a servant on behalf of his brother. The servant army is like a group of begging people, and the most important thing they have to do now is to fully change their weapons.

The Vips are like this, so the Karelians must be stronger than them.

The female leader mentioned that the Karelians have a lot of iron weapons, and finally the more advanced weapons seem to be gone.

The Russ began to stand by and wait for the rabbit under Arik's arrangement. He knew very well that his brother was determined to launch an attack in the period when the grains and forages in Novgorod were extremely abundant. There was still a little time before the August of the Julian calendar. The messenger's attack on the bear altar will probably also be in early August. These affairs do not conflict with each other, and even have some spare time.

The messengers who received the tribute were ordered by the Karelian leader, and the three tribes obeyed one chief.

The Karelian forces are in the period of historical transformation from tribal alliances to chiefdoms, and the place "Bear Altar" has already taken on the significance of a capital city. Collecting tribute from nearby small tribes, or joining forces to attack neighbors, are all promoting a country. birth.

The Ross army squadron all drove into the lake in the lower reaches of the Vukshi River. This is a hidden place, and it is a basically unexplored place.

Huge trawl nets were thrown into the lake, and the flagship Mercury began to pull its nets to sweep away the plentiful bass in the lake. Those long boats were also anchored on the lake, and people put down their lines and fished with steel hooks. The advanced fishing level and the abundant volunteers in the local lake area not only solved the food problem of the Ross Army, they could even reward the Vips servants with the more fish they caught.

It is this fishing technique that shocked these local residents.

Even moved.

Because the Karelians were just asking for it, the Rus conquerors looked friendly, after all, they really rewarded a lot of fresh fish.

Finally, the "receiver" of the Veps people who were in the distance, finally waited for Karelia to receive the tribute messenger.

The "receiver" did not disclose the conquest of the Rus, and still greeted the envoys of more than 20 people with the same respect as in previous years.

These 20 people are also domineering, and the leader in the lead shouts all the way, asking the Veps to offer up all the beautiful girls. The 20 people should have 20 girls to serve at least one night, and the most beautiful one should be careful. Dedicated to the greatest leader.

The messengers were all dreaming, but when they entered the Vips village, it was unusually quiet.

what happened? The "receptionist" lied that everyone was scared and hid, so he asked to call out the hidden clansmen in person.

The messengers didn't care. Similar things happened every year, and they regarded it as a manifestation of the majesty of the strong.

But when the "receptionist" fled into the shadow of a wooden shed, he turned to the hidden armored Ross warriors, and a group of Veps armed men reported the letter.

The Karelian messenger came swaggeringly, and several "receivers" who were looking out for the wind from a distance quickly ran back to the camp to explain the matter, and the Rosveps coalition also made preparations in advance.

"Let's do it!" Arik gave an order, and the Berserker in the shirt suddenly rushed out.

The charged crossbows were suddenly launched in a cluster, and they suddenly stunned the group of messengers who had come on foot.

The matter is not over yet, it is the Rus people who can easily solve this group of messengers, and the Veps people still have to submit their votes.

A steel sword was stuck in the mud, and Arik ordered the nervous Vips warriors, "You cut off the heads of the messengers and prove your servants!"

Telavis translated truthfully, and they looked at each other and really got to work.

They didn't just cut off their heads. A group of people saw the terrifying fighting power of the Rus people from a distance, and they all proved their loyalty. With this sword, everyone started to make the envoy's corpse smashed into eight pieces. Apply it on the face, this is their vote.

Arik laughed, the brothers laughed, and finally, the bloody Veps warriors also laughed stupidly.

At this time, the men and women of the Veps have completed the servant contract in their own way, and then they should pursue the victory.

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