Rise of Rurik

Chapter 705, Blue Fox in Hazelby Harbor

The armed merchant fleet went all the way west, and the blue fox brought his sailors and guards back to the port of Hazeby quite smoothly.

The triangular sails are quite unique, and the top of the mast undisguisedly shows the blue-white Rus flag

By now, the merchants in Hazelby knew that the new shop selling strange and good things belonged to the Rus. Can businessmen have the obsession of warriors? We are all businessmen, and making profits from buying and selling things is above all else.

In fact, the blue fox did not reveal his identity for the first time. He did not reveal this flag until the death of the old Danish king Hafgen was confirmed.

The merchants were surprised at first, and then they were delighted.

Because the Russ are only doing business in Hazelby, they are a new and powerful tribe, and the merchants are generally thinking that maybe they can directly trade directly in the territory of the Rus, and they must be able to make more profits.

The prosperous bay city is in front of you, and the noon sun is bright and clear. Standing on the bow of the boat, the blue fox can have a panoramic view of the whole city.

It's just that the city's buildings are too messy, there is no city wall, and the road is twisted and filled with stench.

It's a good place to do business, but it's obviously not suitable for settlement.

The appetite of the blue fox has been raised for a long time. I have seen the neatness of Novgorod and Novgorod. Looking at Hazelbi, why does it feel like there are garbage dens everywhere?

"Attention brothers, we are about to disembark. Protect our cargo, someone just made a rough move and killed them!"

Everyone roared when they heard it, and they also pulled out their steel daggers and erected their steel spears.

Three armed cargo ships entered the small dock occupied and built by Blue Fox, and he could see that six armed cargo ships had been neatly arranged here.

The sailor on the mast shouted down: "My lord! It must be Eric and the others! They have come back first."

Blue Fox took a closer look and couldn't help laughing.

The mercenaries who stayed on duty at the wharf saw the unique jib from a distance, and the lazy people hurriedly gathered, first to disperse a group of beggars, and secondly to line up to catch the cable and do all the work.

The blue fox stood on the pier of Hazelby again, and he saw the traditional longboats docked on the coast, and the open-air market by the sea was also bustling.

The cargo began to be moved, and the large quantities of squirrel skins that had not been tanned but had been dried and bundled were unloaded.

Now that the Ross Merchant is here again, there must be more goodies!

Small traders began to approach, and they saw that the angry-eyed warriors did not dare to act rashly, and they trembled with excitement when they saw the incredible amount of leather.

Because any leather is hard currency in Hazelby, not to mention these large gray-red squirrel skins, which are absolutely sought-after!

Some men mainly depended on helping merchants carry goods for a living, and Blue Fox easily recruited a group of coolies from the day knot, so that they carried the goods back to the warehouse of the Ross store under the supervision of the guards.

It seems that everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, but there are variables.

A group of young boys suddenly rushed out, carrying broken blades and running towards the people carrying the leather.

The chaos broke out suddenly, the onlookers were avoiding, and the women were screaming. And three coolies were stabbed, and a bundle of goods was picked up by the attackers...

This is courting death! There are always some robbers who want to take the risk!

"I expected such a thing to happen." Lanhu felt that his face was slapped by the wild bandits of Hazelby, and he roared and ordered: "Kill me! Leave me alive!"

Mercenaries are no longer a money employment relationship,

This time everyone is not only doing things for the blue fox, but Prince Ross is everyone's biggest sponsor. When everyone is old and can no longer be soldiers, then go to the prince's territory and become farmers.

The mercenaries, who were armed with elite weapons and had actually killed people, were neat and tidy. Many attackers fell to the ground, and some were knocked over to the ground and captured directly.

There were also successful attackers who ran away holding a bundle of leather, saying that it was too late, and a javelin flew past, directly piercing it and killing him.

The corpses and blood sacrifices were lying on the ground, and a group of frightened people now gathered around to watch, pointing at the blind attackers.

Only one person was captured, and this person had his leg broken and was pulled in front of the blue fox.

"You! Who are you? How dare you attack me? I don't know if this is certain death?"

Blue Fox thought that this person would die, but he never thought that this kid would cry and wailing: "It was Karl, the gray wolf, who asked me to do it. He... He said that the Ross people are rich, and if you grab a vote, your brothers will get rich."

"Grey Wolf Carl? This villain didn't freeze to death in winter? Damn it, the fallen city is a free city, did you give this guy a chance?"

After complaining, the blue fox asked again: "Is it just robbing us? You dare to loot openly, is Carl stupid or you are stupid?"


"That's why you became a loyal dog! Silly boy, you were taken advantage of. Anyway..." Lanhu felt that there was no need to ask any more, gave the mercenary a look, and then cut off the man's head with a sharp sword.

The sudden violence, John Invall on deck, saw it vividly. Now he is not afraid of this kind of violence. He saw the mercenaries who were loyal to Ross chopping melons and vegetables to destroy the attackers in an absolutely safe place, and watching those blind guys were killed, he couldn't help drawing a cross on his chest.

The corpse was thrown directly into the sea and left to be eaten by the swimming fish, leaving a pool of bloodstains on the pier. After a rain at night, the traces were washed away.

The onlookers did not make a fuss, this is a free city-state, murder and robbery are unpunished, and the killing of the attacker is a terrible act of justice.

The blue fox didn't take it to heart when he encountered an attack, after all, Hazelbi was such an uneasy place.

Behind the wealth of residents is also the rampant bandits, there is absolute freedom here, no one said that it is worthy of everyone's admiration. A long time ago, the leader of Godfrey was fine, and the reign of King Hafgen was not as bad as it is now.

Now the city's security is still deteriorating, even if the man named Horrick has settled in the north of the peninsula, Hazelby is already at risk.

The blue fox returned to the mansion and immediately contacted old Eric who arrived first. They exchanged glasses and talked about business, and then they talked about big things.

Little Eric explained the latest situation on behalf of his old father: "Brother, the world has not been very peaceful recently. Some bad news is spreading, a man named Horrick Klarsson calls himself the king of Denmark, and the messenger asks Hazelby to surrender. Pay tribute."

"Is there such a thing? This...has something to do with me being attacked at the dock today?" Blue Fox has realized that things have become complicated.

Little Eric faltered: "It shouldn't matter, but those businessmen are scared. You know, no one wants their own interests to suffer."

"Horrick Klarsson? What is this? A shameless and nameless person." Lanhu bared his teeth and muttered viciously: "I have almost all the prince's wealth in my hands. That guy dared to take our etiquette, just pick Start the war!"

"Yes! But Denmark has been at war with Rus and Sweden. It's just that it has nothing to do with the merchants of Hazelby. We also have a lot of Saxon merchants here, some Frankish merchants, you can even see from Pomeranian A slave trader in Asia. There is also a very large building, which is the temple of the Franks."

"That is the monastery." Blue Fox pointed out the clear name, and then followed the words: "Speaking of the prince, the lord knows this monastery very well. The lord also wrote a letter, entrusting me to hand it over to the name there. For the Eskill guy..."

"This... I don't understand." Little Eric was stunned. "Is your lord still interested in those Frankish monks? My father and I have no interest."

"It doesn't matter to me either, but I have to complete the task."

"Alright. Brother, you're a little late. I want to tell you the good news. This year's sales of goods are really good. Iron, leather, hahaha..."

Ironware and leather have always been sought-after goods in Hazelby, because Denmark has no proven iron ore, and the local small animals have long been hunted.

Of course, it also objectively spawned local gang robbers eyeing Rose's leather.

Speaking of leather, the blue fox was even more happy. He deliberately asked his little brother: "The prince got a lot of squirrel skins in the East. Guess how many?"

"A game? I came to see a lot of leather coming into the warehouse. It seems to be squirrel skins. I've never seen so many in my life. I guess 10,000."

"Only ten thousand?"

"What? I said less? That's 20,000."

"No!" The blue fox laughed loudly: "There are as many as 30,000 big squirrel skins, as well as some mink and fox skins. The Duke ordered us to sell them, and said that the price can be appropriately reduced, and we must make a big deal this year. Windfall wealth, it is best to exchange all of them for silver coins. Because the prince said that he needs silver coins very much now."

Hearing Blue Fox's description, Eric and his son were shaking with excitement.

Old Eric trembled and asked, "Does the prince only want silver coins?"

"And slaves. We bought all the slaves in Hazelby this year, and shipped them all to New Roseburg. The Maharaja will do us a lot of good for completing these tasks."

Both of Blue Fox's younger sisters were married to this little Eric, and now the sisters have given birth to children, and Blue Fox has become an uncle.

He also has family members himself, but he is not married. He raised a few favorite girls and placed them in Hezebi. He was a maid on weekdays, and now he is doing business with his master.

John Ingvar, he has been in the territory of the Rus for two years, he has experienced too many things, and he has extremely complicated feelings for this Hazel.

Those businessmen pushed the cups for a change, and John Ingwaal was actually qualified to participate, and even asked the blue fox to ask for a maid to be happy.

But this is already sacred territory! You can indulge yourself in the north, but you must discipline yourself here.

An oil lamp flickered, and it was raining outside. John Ingvar was alone in the log cabin, kneeling on the floor and praying to God for repentance.

Yes, he really wants to repent, and he has to find teacher Esquil himself to do a confession ceremony, even if he still thinks that guy is plotting against him.

That's okay too...

John Ingvar respected Esquill, the man saved himself, so...

He covered his backyard and planned to bring some seal oil produced by Rost in person. In fact, he has always been voluntary, and he does have a big psychological problem.

The next day, flags were hung on the public upper bunks of the Rus, and a large number of dried squirrel skins were sold.

How about the price? Blue Fox adheres to the request of the prince, the price can be lower, and the price of last year is used as a reference, and the price of the squirrel skin with the largest number is reduced in an all-round way.

The price was fixed at two silver coins for a skin, and no bargaining was allowed.

This price is cheap, and it can only be a little cheaper. He Kuan's leather is sun-dried, and the buyer needs to go through tanning treatment when he buys it back.

Huge quantities of squirrel skins are transported to their hometown in Roseburg, where they can be fully leatherized, and then made into finished clothing and tools on the spot. In the beginning, Rurik also planned to bring the leather back to his hometown. Involving the large immigration project, the leather processing work had to be suspended strategically.

The raw materials of the leather industry have been thrown to Hazelby in large quantities, and it is a good thing that the price is lower. The amount of leather provided by the Rus is amazing, and the merchants are already boiling.

The blue fox has always been a guest of the Hazelby business guild, but now the big businessmen have come to the Ross shop on a large scale, and they are spending their money to buy leather.

Old Eric is temporarily in charge of the local sales job, and he and the guys enter into an unprecedented tiring.

A large number of silver coins began to be credited, and the father and son even predicted that when the Oriental goods shipped by Blue Fox were sold out, as many as 70,000 silver coins might be credited!

Of course, while the businessman who spends a lot of money likes to mention high-quality leather, he also inquires about where the fat blue fox has gone.

The so-called business chairman simply sent an invitation: "We are going to hold a new business conference. If the blue fox is late or absent, everything will be meaningless. Maybe we should honor the blue fox as our chairman. "

It's a big compliment, but Blue Fox and John Ingvar headed to the Frankish monastery early in the morning with a group of guards.

What else can old Eric say, Lanhu said that he should not be disturbed by others today, so he lied: "Lord Lanhu has spent too much energy on women while he is tired, and he will go to the meeting after resting."

This explanation made the businessmen laugh, and it was true after a little thought.

In fact, the blue fox had long been standing in front of the monastery.

Eskil has always used Hazelby as his base for spreading his faith to the north. He took in orphans here and cultivated them into devout believers. Among them, he couldn't help but enjoy the beautiful ones.

He was stipulated by the precepts not to be close to women, so he changed his method and curve to meet his needs. He formed a choir, but had an affair with each of the boys.

This kind of thing was acquiesced. He was recognized by Rome as the next Archbishop of Bremen. His hobby was known to the distinguished priests of the dioceses. so what? Everyone is like that. What's more, the "favored" little priests are usually reused as cronies in the future. Esquil will cultivate these little priests who are specially cared for. They may be the bishops of various regions. He feels that he has done a benevolent act.

An army suddenly stood at the door that had been deserted.

The little priest who got up early opened the door to usher in the fresh morning sun after the rain, and what he saw was the army!

The little priest hurried back, and after a while Esquil hurried out with a wooden staff, startled.

He was terrified, for fear that gangsters would attack. Because those are gangsters! The bandits did not care about the coat of arms of the Earl of Hamburg that was deliberately hung on the door of the monastery.

Because the monastery legally belongs to the Diocese of Hamburg, the Count of Hamburg was given administrative power by Prince Ludwig. The local smart people dare not make troubles in this monastery. The big and small businessmen cherish their own interests, and those who are related to their interests do not want to provoke the wrath of the Franks.

Besides, no one thinks that there is any wealth in this poor-looking stone-spired monastery. After all, those Frankish monks show themselves in black robes every day.

It is true that the Christian monks in this era were ascetic and had to eat lightly. Even this monastery was seriously lacking in gold and silver utensils, which was different from other monasteries.

Esquil had already learned basic Danish, and he walked out with fifty or so believers, intending to persuade this group of villains who were seeking money.

Unexpectedly, just as he was about to speak, he saw the flag displayed by the armed men on the opposite side.

"Ah?! You are from Russ!" Eskill felt incredible.

At this moment, John Invall, who had changed his robe, emerged from the crowd. Although he had not seen him for more than two years, his face had not changed much, and his beard had been shaved off with a sharp dagger.

Eskil recognized his student at a glance: "John! It's you. I see you again, oh God, you are the most merciful."

Esquil was busy making the cross, which made the blue fox too speechless.

No, the blue fox also spoke: "Eskil, I am the special envoy appointed by Lord Rurik, Prince of Ross, and I want to send you John Invall and the handwritten letter."

"Is...is that so. Did your master plan to accept our sacred beliefs? Oh, it must be so."

Eskil looked at the rising sun, and then looked at the people in front of him, feeling that all this was arranged by God. The armed men in front of them are no longer scary, they are all lost lambs, they can all be converted, and they can even be baptized today.

And the return of dear John Ingvar, the kid looks even more handsome.

"Quick! My friends from afar, enter the monastery, and we will discuss everything in detail!"

Eskil was so confident that he was asked to end his present job in 840 and officially go to Bremen as archbishop.

The time given to Esquier seems to be too much, but it is not much. He will not hesitate to seize all the time. If he can influence the very young and handsome Prince Rurik in a few years, it will be his greatest glory.

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