The Regent's Tender Darling

Chapter 534 The Complaint Conference of the Minister of Civil Affairs

On the day he followed King An to meet the regent, the regent asked him to choose some official positions for King An.

This is simply asking the willow tree for jujube, deliberately making things difficult for him!

Who doesn’t know the reputation of King An? He actually wanted to enter the imperial court. Normally, he would have completely ignored it, but this time was different from the past.

Since the Princess Regent spoke, it must have been the Prince Regent's intention. Since it was the Prince Regent's intention, he had nothing to be embarrassed about.

But the Princess Regent didn't tell him a designated position, she just asked him to choose.

He kept choosing, not knowing which one was better and which one was not.

After much thought, he made a list and let the Princess Regent choose, which was better than letting him choose.

The ones listed at the top are all relatively low-level or insignificant positions.

This is also because he has considered the reputation of King An now. He should not hold important positions. He should take his time from low to high and do things step by step. There is no rush.

He believed the Prince Regent thought so too.

Lin Jiaojiao looked carefully, but there was nothing she liked. However, at the end she saw the position of imperial examination examiner.

She suddenly felt strange and raised her eyes to look at Li Bu Shangshu. She happened to see Li Bu Shangshu rubbing his hands nervously, but stopped when she looked at him.

She didn't care and asked, "Why is there a vacancy for the position of examiner?"

The examiners of this imperial examination in past dynasties were the prime ministers of the dynasty. Every year when the imperial examination came, the prime minister would hold this position. This has never changed.

The Minister of the Ministry of Personnel was stunned for a moment when he was asked, and felt a little uneasy. King An and the examiner were just stupid dogs chasing rabbits, and they had nothing to do with it.

Is it possible that the regent princess is interested?

He quickly said truthfully: "It's like this. The Prime Minister is getting older now and it's really not appropriate to work too hard. There is a shortage of people for the post of examiner."

"I see." Lin Jiaojiao nodded and had no intention of continuing. She just looked at the list and thought about it.

The Minister of the Ministry of Personnel also felt a little more at ease. It seemed that he was overthinking it. However, if the regent wanted to let Prince An be the examiner, he would have nothing to say. He would not dare not do it if he gave the order directly.

"Well, I think the position of examiner is very good. When you go to court tomorrow, you can submit a report to recommend Prince An. You can decide on your own as to how to say it specifically."

"Ah?" The Minister of Libu was stunned again, and his normal eyes suddenly turned into almond-shaped eyes.

What are you really afraid of?

After reacting, he could only respond quickly: "Yes."

Although I was slightly prepared, I didn't expect that he would have to introduce it to the court for this matter.

It was obviously a matter of just a word from the Regent. As long as it was arranged by the Regent, he would be able to arrange it properly.

It's really a waste of time to take off your pants and fart.

But now it was just the regent who spoke. He didn't know what the regent meant yet. He didn't think twice before agreeing, but now he felt a little panicked.

He stood up, bowed his hands, and said cautiously: "Princess, my dear, this matter... I wonder if the regent has this intention?"

Lin Jiaojiao raised her lips and smiled, looked directly at the Minister of Civil Affairs, and said very calmly: "Your Majesty has already had this intention, but this matter has to be handled by your Excellency, and Your Majesty also wants to avoid suspicion."

These words made Liu Wenzheng frown slightly. Could it be that he should stop avoiding suspicion?

That's all, he's already on board. Even if he wants to avoid suspicion, he can't avoid it. His family tradition of fairness and impartiality has now been ruined because of the stupid things of his rebellious son.

"Yes, I will take care of this matter."

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