The Regent's Tender Darling

Chapter 587 Marriage

Bracelets with good looks and good looks are rare. The reason why they are not rare to the Chen family is that the Chen family has a jade business and takes over all good things.

This bracelet is estimated to be about ten thousand taels of silver. The prefect's monthly salary plus all kinds of silks and cloths is only twenty taels of silver. Even if the Zhu family has a shop business, they will not earn one-tenth of this bracelet in three to five years.

And the Zhu family's wife, Wang, actually used it to give gifts, which shows that the Zhu family's financial resources are extraordinary.

It also proved what she was thinking.

She took out the bracelet from the box, looked at it against the light, looked happy, and said, "It's really a good thing. Madam spent a lot of money on it."

Lin Jiaojiao's reaction made Xuemei dumbfounded. Although this bracelet was good, the empress had so many in her jewelry box that it was moldy and she didn't even wear it. But now she was so happy to receive it from Wang.

Although she was confused, she would not ask anything on this occasion, as long as the empress was happy.

"Hey, what are you talking about, Princess? This bracelet can make the Princess smile, which is also a blessing for this bracelet." Mrs. Wang spoke pleasantly, and with her kind face, she flattered her. It's not offensive at all.

Lin Jiaojiao put the bracelet back into the box and said to Xuemei, "Take it."

After receiving such words, the smile on Mrs. Wang's face became even bigger. The Princess Regent accepted her gift, which made it easier for her to speak later.

As the saying goes, you can take advantage of other people's weak hands and take advantage of others' soft mouth. She herself is reluctant to wear such a good bracelet. It is the only one in the entire Zhu family.

The regent's eyes widened when she saw the bracelet just now. It was obvious that she liked it, and it was not in vain that she spent the whole night in pain.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I don't have anything as good as Mrs. Wang. She only holds a pearl in her hand. I hope that Your Majesty will not dislike it."

Yue Shi said with a smile, and then the pearl in hand came to Lin Jiaojiao's eyes.

Lin Jiaojiao was drinking tea. When she saw the hand in her hand, she almost spit out the tea. She coughed lightly to cover up her loss.

Xuemei's expression also changed. She had seen this hand before, especially the word "han" engraved on one of the pearls and the green tassel.

Isn't this an item that the empress lost outside before?

I remember that when the empress was still a child, she saw the old lady twirling her hands often, so she wanted one too. Finally, the prince gave her a pearl handpiece, and then the empress had someone carve the word "han" on the pearl.

There is also a red thread mixed in this green tassel, which is very conspicuous when spread out.

This Yue family may have picked up something that belonged to her mother-in-law, but now she is giving it away. It is really ridiculous.

"Xuemei, take it." Lin Jiaojiao's expression returned to normal, and she did not point out the problem on the spot.

She was somewhat happy to have found something she cherished in the past, not because the object was precious, but because the handheld hand was given by Yan Sihan.

Both Wang and Yue only took the most precious ones, and Lin Jiaojiao did not open the rest one by one, letting Xuemei accept them first.

She didn't take these things seriously, and the reason why she accepted the things from both families was to let Wang open up the conversation.

If she didn't accept it, it would be difficult for the Wang family to speak again, and it would also increase the Zhu family's vigilance.

These are things she doesn't want to see.

Mrs. Wang smiled and said to her: "Speaking of which, Princess, your grandmother is also my wife's cousin. I wonder how her health is?"

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