The first kind of consciousness uploading is that the main body is still there, and the simple consciousness is uploaded.

At this time, your body is like a remote computer controlling your conscious body, and you in this period have a source.

The second type does not require the ontology, uploads the entire consciousness and retains the thinking ability of the consciousness. The things involved in this are not as simple as the first type.

Under normal circumstances, when you have developed this technology and then go deeper, then it is the super soldier cloning technology of advanced civilization.

The expression of this technology is to generate a large number of clones in advance, and transmit the consciousness to the clones at the moment of the soldier's death. Of course, this technology can also be understood as another eternal technology.

Just imagine, such a high-end technology was fiddled with by a toddler civilization, which is very outrageous.

It's like a primary school student accidentally fiddled with a nuclear bomb.

This is not just a matter of pure wisdom, it must contain a lot of luck in it.

Recalling the research on the theory of Qi Luck that he had been preparing for before, Jiang Yao felt that he had to take Number One into his pocket.

In addition to the research on this theory, in Jiang Yao's eyes, this number is also a rare talent.

Because through sorting out these data, he knew what No. 1 was doing in the entire civilization.

Although it is a bit crazy, it is undeniable that if he hadn't done this, then the mass extinction of the planet might not have followed up with their civilization.

And what he did at that time in order to achieve his goal also made Jiang Yao appreciate it very much.

You must know that when he decides to let the entire civilization enter eternity, there will inevitably be many people who will come out to stop them. These people include villains and saints, but he can treat them equally, which is the most rare thing.

He can not be bewitched by the wicked to do more dangerous things, and he can not be influenced by the Holy Mother to do mentally retarded things.

And compared to him, Jiang Yao has a deeper understanding of intelligent life. During the years of Zerg development, they have invaded too many races and seen too many things.

When faced with the threat of death, people will instinctively put their hope on the Virgins in civilization, because the instinct of intelligent civilization is to believe in light and beauty, and at that time they will firmly imagine that light can dispel all darkness.

Under such a huge mental oppression throughout the text, he didn't have any special care for the person No. 1 established by everyone. In the eyes of No. 1, he always thought that such a person was no different from ordinary people.

Although Jiang Yao didn't know exactly how much psychological pressure No. 1 faced during that period, he believed that it was extremely difficult for anyone during that period.

This is like the truth that a certain person is bullied by a group of people online. No matter how he turns a blind eye, he will be greatly affected, and it must be known that this is only the consequence of a small number of people.

The No. 1 of this period is facing everyone in the entire civilization, and under such circumstances, his beliefs and ideas remain firm and unaffected.

Such a person can no longer be called a human being, and it is not an exaggeration to call him a god.

And the most important thing is that this great No. 1 has another name for the eternity of civilization incarnation, the perfect biological computer.

After the ordinary computer has been researched to the extreme, many civilizations have begun to study more efficient biological computers, and the most difficult thing among biological computers is consciousness.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of consciousness is generally created artificially in consideration of safety, but in order to pursue the limit, some civilizations will let some species in the civilization bind their consciousness to this computer forever.

Because only this kind of consciousness is the truly perfect consciousness, but this kind of consciousness also has one of the biggest flaws, that is, the will of ordinary life forms is very weak, and it is also very fickle.

During this period, he may contribute to civilization, but after thousands of years of baptism, his thoughts will gradually change.

Once there is a change, it is dangerous, because often such changes are very extreme and crazy.

If the body of consciousness that has mastered most of the military value of civilization suddenly becomes crazy and extreme, then this civilization is not far from being destroyed.

Compared with artificial intelligence, the transfer of consciousness is very simple. He does not need a carrier in the true sense, because for him, all the facilities of the entire civilization can be his carrier.

And it is more cunning than artificial intelligence, and he is also more aware of human nature, so he must be thousands of times better than artificial intelligence in deceiving and hiding himself, and he will be able to control the emotions of ordinary people just right.

The chances of civilization winning against such an enemy will be very low.

But the No. 1 in front of him is completely different from this consciousness. His belief has remained pure from beginning to end, that is, to prove that his eternity is right and let civilization go on, nothing more.

This belief is like a rock on the seashore, even after thousands of years of washing, it still stands firm.

If I can get him, then I can even develop a supercomputer beyond imagination.

Of course, making such a computer requires more than just a perfect consciousness.

In addition to this, a lot of other things are needed. Although Jiang Yao himself does not have these technologies, other civilizations must have these technologies. Creation has never been Jiang Yao's strong point, robbery is.

If he can really get No. 1 in his bag, then his next affairs will be very easy to handle.

He needs to rob a civilization that masters advanced biological computers, and get the technology, then his technological civilization plan will take a big step forward.

And this robbery civilization, Jiang Yao, also thought about it, that is the star ring civilization.

Even if a civilization of this level does not manufacture such a computer, it must have corresponding technology.

In addition to computer technology, it also has many other technologies. Once these technologies are in hand, it can immediately take off in the field of scientific and technological civilization.

In fact, from a certain point of view, the current Xinghuan civilization is like a noble person in the universe to Jiang Yao.

So Jiang Yao immediately began to prepare how to let this noble man help him to the maximum.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yao immediately began to think about how to persuade No. 1 to help him. According to his current understanding of No. 1, as long as the safety of the entire civilization is guaranteed and his spiritual needs are met, then it will be fine.

As for how to persuade him, Jiang Yao's first thought was to use threats, but after thinking about it, he immediately rejected this idea.

This kind of person can only let him help you for a while by relying on threats, and he may rebel at any time.

So threatening this routine is absolutely unacceptable.

Apart from threats, it's just painting big cakes, but this is not a small role, and ordinary big cakes probably won't work.

While Jiang Yao was still thinking, No. 1's voice interrupted his contemplation.

"You can enter here so easily, you must know everything about me.

After knowing our situation, you are still willing to keep us, presumably we should be useful in your eyes. "

At this time, as No. 1's voice fell, Jiang Yao seemed to have caught something for a moment.

For such a person, he thinks far more than himself, and any tricks can fool him for a while but cannot fool him for a lifetime. There is no such thing as subduing or not subduing such a person.

Because such a person cannot condescend to others at all, he has his own pride, ordinary and extreme methods can deceive him for a while, but it will bring the risk of betrayal at any time, so even if you succeed, you dare not reuse him.

If you don't dare to reuse him, then it doesn't make much sense for you to bring it with you, it would be better to destroy it directly.

So there is only one way to treat this kind of person, this way Jiang Yao called him Huabing 2.0.

Building a grand blueprint has become the goal of both parties. With this big pie, the two have a common direction, and this is the key to maintaining the relationship between the two parties.

And with people like this, you don't need to worry too much.

Because he doesn't have much other thoughts, such as hatred or other factors.

Such a person is more concerned with the pursuit of the spiritual level. He is different from other people in the civilization. Compared with most people in the civilization, he is more like an observer or a planner.

The issues he focuses on are completely different from those of ordinary people. He may spend his entire life just to prove something, and at this time, Jiang Yao has already vaguely guessed what he wants to prove.

And it was only at this time that Jiang Yao really felt the benefits of living in symbiosis with the insect nest. He could freely mobilize the huge computing power of the insect nest and the past experience of the insect nest, and use these as the basis to find the answer he wanted.

After thinking about all this, Jiang Yao didn't answer his question directly but talked about another matter.

"If I'm not mistaken, you have always believed that your decision was correct."

No. 1 was taken aback when he heard Jiang Yao's words, and then a trace of self-mockery flashed across his face, "Yes, I have always believed that my theory was correct, but until your appearance completely broke my fantasy."

To this, Jiang Yao just replied indifferently: "That's because our civilization level is higher than yours, so you think so."

"What do you mean?" Number One was obviously puzzled.

"When you look at your affairs at my level of civilization, you will think that your behavior is wrong, but have you ever thought that maybe my evolutionary path is also wrong when you look at it from a higher level of civilization?"

"Our vision depends on the level of civilization. Evolution may be a route, but it is not the only route.

The direction you are researching is very likely to be the correct route, but you have not yet reached that height, so now you are confused by some external appearances, and it is these reasons that make you think that you are wrong. "

"All our cognitions or theories are very likely to be wrong before reaching the end point, and all we can do before that is to keep moving forward to verify whether our views are correct."

Following Jiang Yao's voice, No. 1's eyes gradually became brighter.

Until this moment, he seemed to understand the real reason why Jiang Yao left him.

"You want the two systems to develop together?"

Jiang Yao nodded when he heard No. 1's words, "The biggest difference between you and me is that we have different understandings of the direction of civilization development, and there is nothing else."

"Just like you about the final answer, I don't know if my path is correct."

"So I need someone who is completely opposite to my research direction to help me pursue the final answer, and you are the most suitable person."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yao continued to add: "I will provide you with a higher platform and vision, and give you enough freedom to study. If you need even those technologies that you have never seen before, I can provide you with them. .

And you only need to provide me with another choice whether it is correct or not. This deal is fair. "

At this time, as Jiang Yao's voice fell, he was completely shocked by Jiang Yao in front of him. He never thought that Jiang Yao would say such a thing.

Isn't he worried that he will suddenly turn against him after he develops to a certain point, or if his path is correct, it will be easy for him to destroy him at that stage.

But when he just thought of this, he immediately shook his head and laughed at himself, "Sure enough, compared to him, I'm still too limited."

"I used to think that my existence was to pursue that truth, but now? Why do I have such an idea?"

"It is absolutely impossible for a person who pursues the truth to have such an idea, just like him in front of him, in order to pursue the ultimate answer, he can give up everything and abandon everything, whether it exists or not is not important to him.

The most important thing is whether you can get the ultimate answer you are looking for in your lifetime. "

"It seems that I am still not pure enough."

Thinking of this, No. 1 couldn't help but sigh, and then his eyes became clear.

"In that case, let's see who chooses the right path."

And when Jiang Yao heard what No. 1 said, he knew it was done.

My own thinking is not wrong, negotiating with people like No. 1 should not have any entanglement of interests, and it is more about starting with dreams or goals, which are illusory things.

After the negotiation was successful, Jiang Yao also immediately told him the current situation of the insect nest.

Of course, Jiang Yao is not worried at all that after he knows his situation, if he betrays the water in the future, it will cause him great trouble.

Because Jiang Yao also had a backup.

Although it is highly unlikely that a person like him will betray.

But if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of the eventuality. Although you are forcing Graman when you are pretending to be aggressive, you have to consider the unexpected situation no matter what you do.

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